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  • When Jisuk realizes that the cat Casein Nitrate (a.k.a Kayden) has powers, he comes to the conclusion that he's an Awakened animal and starts offering him treats in order to earn his favor. He also comes to the conclusion that he can raise one of Jiwoo's cats to be similarly powerful by making them fat.
  • Inhyuk is one of the few people that finds Kayden's cat form adorable and dotes on him especially. He eagerly helps take care of Jiwoo's cats when he's training.
  • Some Shinhwa kids who were looking down on unaffiliated Jiwoo are flabbergasted to see that both the famous Jisuk and Subin Lee stayed overnight at his house. Not only that, but Subin even unclogged his toilet.
    • For extra humor, Subin unclogged it with her powers since she couldn't find a plunger.
  • An Awakened girl Jisuk knows comes across one of the affiliated kids trying to antagonize Jiwoo and his friends. When Jisuk shows up she says that Jiwoo is being bullied and slyly grins as Jisuk starts throwing punches.
  • At the Academy, when Jiwoo and Kayden are out for a walk they run into a girl walking a Samoyed. She insults Kayden, and declares that he belongs to her. It turns out that she has the ability to control the minds of animals. Kayden pretends to have fallen under her thrall so he can show her his butthole.
  • Chapter 83 — At the beginning of Jiwoo and Subin's spar, Jiwoo sees her unguarded and hesitates for a moment. Jisuk calls him out on it, accusing him of not taking her seriously just because she's a girl. After Subin gives her consent to begin, Jiwoo immediately starts punching her in the face, repeatedly, without letting her even react. Cue Jisuk's satisfied expression and Subin's hurried protests to stop, much to Jiwoo's confusion.
  • In order to explain why he insists on taking Kayden everywhere, Jiwoo says that he has a very limited ability to communicate with animals that's currently limited to his cat. The teachers at the academy naturally want to test the abilities of an awakened animal, especially since one clan specializes in Awakened who's abilities are tied to animals. The following happens:
    • They try to get Kayden to tell Jiwoo about things hidden behind a wall, but Kayden just yawns.
    • They try putting him through an agility course similar to ones seen at Dog Shows. Kayden taps one of the bars he has to run through and doesn't do anything else.
    • They try to get Kayden to go through a maze, and he just walks around it.
    • It ends with Seong saying he will test the cat's rumored combat abilities. He intends on killing Kayden and making it look like an accident as revenge for Jiwoo beating his clan's heir in a fight. Before Seong can even touch him, Kayden promptly beats him into submission just for glaring at him the wrong way. While out cold and near death, Seong has a vision of his ancestor beckoning him to the after life from the other side of the River Styx.
  • Chapter 100, a Breather Episode following the academy arc has these gems:
    • Jisuk has a room full of cat treats and is trying to fatten up multiple cats in the hopes of giving them superpowers.
    • Subin, who was the top student at her all girls school, has had a special transfer program arranged so she can go to the same school as Jiwoo and Jisuk.
    • Jisuk goes to the same school as them, but he's the only one in their group not in their class. He shows up wearing glasses and behaving very studiously. The chapter ends with the teacher asking him to leave.
  • In Chapter 112, Kayden manages to have a Big Damn Heroes moment in his cat form, by scratching and hitting Wooin, who was hit by a Mind Control technique, until he falls unconscious. When someone not aware of his feline form's true nature asks about what just happened, Kayden threateningly looks at the Professor and makes an "I'm watching you" motion. In cat form. The professor asks to be taken back into custody and doesn't put up a fight when asked what happened.
    • In the next chapter it's revealed that Kayden beat Wooin so badly that his skull is fractured and his neck was badly injured too.
  • In chapter 123, Jiwoo's friends visit his home, where they are pleasantly surprised to meet his mentor. On the topic of electric attribute, Jisuk and Subin tell Jiwoo's mentor about Kayden Break, a powerful Awakener infamous for his nasty temper. Jiwoo nervously informs his friends that his mentor is Kayden Break himself.
  • Kayden eventually calls in a powerful doctor named Kartein to restore Jiwoo's powers after his kidnapping and subsequent torture. Kartein, someone known to turn down offers for massive fortunes, agrees to do so in exchange for learning the technique to turn into a cat, unaware that Kayden doesn't see it as something special or important. In chapter 141, he figures it out and is beyond elated. He winds up choosing the form of a cat that's been neutered.
  • Cain attempts to steal one of Jiwoo's cats using his power to communicate with animals. When Kartein (in his cat form) nonchalantly walks away, he becomes offended when Cain insults his appearance. Later, an amnesiac Cain is seen wandering around in a daze, covered in bruises.
  • It turns out there's an official world ranking of the most attractive Awakened. Kartein is the top ranked male.
  • As Vatore extends his stay with Baekdu, the following happens:
    • After losing his top hat in his fight, he takes to wearing a Gat instead. And then adding the beads. He's eventually walking around in full traditional Korean men's garb.
    • He repeatedly gets Baekdu to get Kartein to come and see him so he can try and convince him to heal his scar. He spends multiple days trying to convince Kartein of the merits of doing so and fails. At one point he enlists Suman to hold up a poster board outlining his reasons why Kartein should heal him.
    • This starts off being extremely stressful for Suman Kang, who's organization is being threatened by Vator. He eventually gets used to it and is able to work on his laptop in the corner.
  • When Jiwoo visits the World Awakener Academy the Luterain family that specializes in awakened animals naturally becomes interested in his cats. When he rejects the offer for them to take him in their leader makes another proposal: She wants Kayden's kittens.
    Madam: I'll get you a cat with great pedigree. You can look forward to it.
    Kayden (thinking): Gosh, I should have just smacked that b*tch...
    • She later comes back with a folder full of pictures of cats for Jiwoo to choose from.
    • Her reaction when she sees that Kartein's cat form is neutered is chuckle-worthy as well.
  • Kayden's second battle with Andrei. Kayden sneakily aims two of his attacks on Andrei's Earthquake, just to troll him. After the battle, Kartein reveals that he sneakily finished off a barely conscious Earthquake when no one was looking. Kayden and Kartein laugh like maniacs.
  • After Astra's death, Muras agrees to offer his late boss's assets to Andrei in exchange for killing Kayden. The two of them eagerly anticipate the battle between Pluton and the injured Kayden, with Andrei hoping to take advantage of this to finish the latter. The two of them are blissfully unaware that Kayden and Pluton have joined forces.
  • After Jiwoo defeats Veramundt's grandson, Ian Patrick, Kayden starts celebrating by gathering Kartein, Pluton, and Jiwoo in a group hug and spinning around, while Veramundt watches them with a peeved face. One super rookie, two top 50 World Rankers, and one top 10 World Ranker perform a silly victory dance before a veteran top 10 World Ranker.
