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Funny / Dirty Sympathy

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  • When Apollo figures out who Klavier is:
    You- you’re Disappointing Brother Klavier!
  • When Apollo is taking Klavier for treating his wounds:
    Klavier: Thank you too. And you're welcome. And Apollo...I'm so sorry.
    Apollo: Sorry for what? You didn't do anything, did you?
    Klavier: I didn't push Kristoph off an Alp when we were on vacation when I was nine.
    Apollo: Not that I don't appreciate the thought, but wouldn't that just have meant there were two Gavin sociopaths instead of one?
  • When Phoenix attempts a Kirk Summation asking Apollo what did he get instead of a person who wanted to make a difference? Apollo's inner snark says it all.
    You get what you pay for.
    You get what you deserve if you accept a punch in the face instead of a job interview.
    Why, sheriff, you get Bonnie and Clyde. The other one is Bonnie.
    A murderer, if and when Daryan Crescend gets himself beaten to death.
    Gavin catnip.
  • Wocky trying to calm Apollo down with bad jokes about Daryan trying to strangle Klavier, with some help from 'Edgar the raven guy'.
    Wocky: No, man, you know that story? With the guy who chains the other one up and then cements him in the fucking wall? This is like, somebody read that story in junior high and instead of going that's some good Halloween shit, man, they went you're my role model, this is gonna be how I solve my problems in life, 'cause I'm a punk.
