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Film / Space Riders

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Space Riders Is a 1984 British sports movie Directed By Joe Massot starring Barry Sheene As Himself.It also stars his Wife Stephanie and Gavin O'Herlihy and Toshiya Ito

Tropes associated with Space Riders include:

Badass Biker: Naturally considering It Is About Motorcycle racing.

Big-Lipped Alligator Moment: the Disco nightclub Fight scene and the Kendo Scene.

Cool Bike: All of the Bikes count.

Disney Acid Sequence: One during the 2nd-to-last race when Barry's team mate Masao Yamatsha has a vision of the Devil on rival Lockwood's bike As his life flashes before his eyes. And he crashes and his bike goes flying through the air on fire

Spinning Paper: the film does this during 2 separate Montage scenes.

The Big Race: The final race in San Marino is portrayed as this.
