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Fanfic / Intergalactic Illness

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An Archive Of Our Own Star★Twinkle Pretty Cure story where Lala gets a cold for the first time and isn't used to it due to being an alien. read here.

Intergalactic Illness provides examples of:

  • Appetite Equals Health: Inverted, while a cold typically reduces a person's appetite, Lala gets hungrier than usual when she has her cold, she becomes an extreme omnivore.
  • Ash Face: When Lala electrocutes Kappard with her coughing, this happens to him.
  • Baffled by Own Biology: Lala experiences her first cold, which is rather different for her since because an alien. Since she isn't used to human illnesses, she is confused and worried about all her symptoms such as her runny nose and red nasal bridge. She even wonders if it's dangerous until her friends tell her that it's just temporary.
  • Bed Headitis: Lala's hair is scraggly due to her cold, her antennae are even bent.
  • Big Eater: Lala's appetite increases noticeably when she has a cold, she pigs out on a buffet her friends gave her later.
  • Catch Your Death of Cold: Implied since Prunce assumes Lala caught a cold from the fact he left the window open overnight while it was snowing.
  • Congestion Speak: When Lala has a cold, she pronounces some words strangely, she says "bornig" instead of 'morning' and "doze" instead of 'nose'. Prunce even points out her weird way of talking.
  • Cooldown Hug: Hikaru hugs Lala to calm her down after her nightmare.
  • Bizarre Alien Biology: When Lala has a cold she sneezes glitter, coughs electricity, and gets an enormous appetite.
  • Expressive Ears: Lala's ears droop when she's sick, but they perk up when excited about the buffet the girls give her.
  • Extreme Omnivore: Lala eats the plates and silverware along with her food.
  • Feigning Healthiness: Lala doesn't want her friends to worry about her, so she does her best to hide her cold, but she's caught sneezing glitter during a battle.
  • Glitter Litter: Lala catches a cold and starts sneezing glitter — as in, it's not the cause of the sneeze but what she expels when sneezing. It always scatters around the floor and onto the face of whoever unfortunate soul happens to be nearby. Her arm, Prunce, and Kappard's eyes are victims. Madoka proposes she sneezes into a trash can so her cold causes less of a mess.
  • Guilt-Induced Nightmare: Lala gets a nightmare in the second chapter out of guilt for lying to her friends about her cold, she has a fever dream about the others disowning her for being dishonest.
  • Harmless Electrocution: Happens twice, when Lala coughs electricity and zaps Kappard and herself by mistake when she coughs into her elbow. Both times it doesn't cause serious injury.
  • Shout-Out: To the Wizard of Oz when Kappard says, "We'll get your Star Color Princess Pens, and your little fluffy alien, too!"
  • Sick Episode: The plot is Lala getting a cold for the first time and she isn't used to it due to being an alien. It confuses her and it affects her differently than it would a human, but thankfully the others are there to help her out.
  • Sickness Equals Redness: Lala's nasal bridge is red due to her cold, this confuses her because she's never been sick before, she tries to cover her mouth and nose with a scarf to hide it.
  • Sneeze of Doom: When Lala sneezes glitter, Prunce is covered in it, though it comes in handy when she sneezes in Kappard's eyes.
