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Drinking Game / The Life and Times of the Fantasmic Four

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  • Take a shot every time Phoebe messes up her own love life.
    • Take two if she refuses to talk about it.
      • Take three if Arnold tries to sacrifice something to fix their relationship and she refuses his offer.

  • Take a shot if Wanda does something so stupid that everyone else lampshades it.

  • Take a shot if someone jokes about Les Yay between D.A. and Phoebe.
    • Take two if it's D.A.

  • Take a shot whenever Wanda drops a Cluster F-Bomb.
    • You'll have liver failure by the end of the first chapter.

  • Take a shot every time someone says "V-card" for virginity.
    • Take two if they mention Phoebe and/or Arnold in the same breath.
      • Take a sip if someone mentions Phoebe and Arnold losing their virginity to each other without using the term "V-card".

  • Take a sip every time the author writes "X frogged Y" when she means "X punched Y".

  • Take a sip every time someone has sex.

  • Take a shot every time Wanda mentions having sex.
    • Congratulations, you are now clinically dead.
