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Drinking Game / MCU Phase 1 and 2

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Now, starting from Iron Man, make it through the first two phases of the MCU. There are like... ten movies... If you are afraid of your liver, maybe drink some green drinks by Stark or eat some shwarma instead?

     Phase One 

Iron Man

  • Take a drink every time someone says "SHIELD", or its full name "The Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division".
    • Drink double if it's said by someone who's actually HYDRA.
  • Chug Hard during the Suit Up scene.

The Incredible Hulk (2008)

  • Drink once for every time Hulk smashes.
    • Finish half your drink whenever the words "Hulk smash" are said.

Iron Man 2

  • Take a drink whenever we see a close-up of Tony/Rhodey/someone else from within the Iron Man armors.
    • Drink double if they're not actually in the armor.
  • Chug hard during the suitcase armor suit up.


  • Take a drink every time Loki acts like a shifty bastard.
    • Drink double if being a shifty bastard backfires on him.

Captain America: The First Avenger

  • Take a drink whenever a character puts on their super-suit.
    • Drink double if they have a more "comic book accurate" suit as a prototype.

The Avengers (2012)

  • Take a drink every time someone makes a pop culture reference.
    • Drink double if it's a reference Captain America would understand.
  • Chug hard during the Hulk out.
     Phase Two 

Iron Man 3

  • Take a drink whenever someone banters with their suit's artificial intelligence.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier

  • Finish half your drink whenever a main character dies.
    • Finish your drink when it turns out that character isn't dead after all.
    • Spit out your drink during the scene where Bucky kicks one SHIELD mook so hard he gets shredded in a turbine.

Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)

  • Take a drink when an appropriate pop/rock/rap song is played.
  • Take a drink when Groot Grows in the background.

Avengers: Age of Ultron

  • Take a drink every time someone is unable to lift Mjolnir.
    • Finish your drink if someone other than Thor is worthy of lifting Mjolnir.
  • Finish your drink when Quicksilver dies.
  • Chug hard during the de-Hulk Out at the beginning of the film.
