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Creator / Julian Bleach

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Julian Bleach (born 29 December 1963) is an English actor, singer and playwright. He co-wrote and acted in Shockheaded Peter, a stage musical adaptation of Struwwelpeter with music by The Tiger Lillies.

He is known for playing Davros in the revived series of Doctor Who, the fourth actor to take on the role after Michael Wisher, David Gooderson and Terry Molloy. He has appeared in two two-part stories: "The Stolen Earth"/"Journey's End" (2008) alongside David Tennant's Tenth Doctor and "The Magician's Apprentice"/"The Witch's Familiar" (2015) alongside Peter Capaldi's Twelfth Doctor. He reprised the role for "Destination: Skaro", Doctor Who's 2023 Children in Need special, once again alongside Tennant as the Fourteenth Doctor (although they do not share the screen). Elsewhere in the Whoniverse, he played two other villainous roles, the Ghostmaker in the Torchwood episode "From Out of the Rain" and the title character in the Sarah Jane Adventures story "The Nightmare Man".
