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Comic Book / Cat & Mouse (Roland Mann)

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Cat & Mouse is a superhero comic series written by Roland Mann, with the first run starting in 1990 and the second run starting in 2019.

The first run was followed by a spinoff, Demon's Tails, in 1993.

Each run tells the story of a different vigilante duo based in New Orleans, both calling themselves "Cat and Mouse".

In the first run, Jerry O' Neill and Mandy Paige are initially working with the Yakuza, but are framed by the Mafia for murder.

In the second run, Brett Huffman attempts to track down Bobbi Vasquez, the younger sister of his former fiancée Jennifer, after she runs away from foster care, and discovers that Bobbi has gone from one bad situation to another.

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    Tropes Applying to Both Runs 
  • Animal Motifs: The heroes of the respective runs are strongly identified with feline and rodent motifs.
  • Legacy Character: Both Cat and Mouse have different identities in their respective runs.
  • Stock Superhero Day Jobs: Both of the civilian identities behind the "Cat" mantle, Jerry O'Neill and Brett Huffman, are police officers.
  • From Zero to Hero: Keith "Demon" Grayson starts out as a veterinarian, and becomes a capable hero in other ways in his own right.
    Tropes Applying to the 1990 Run (Volume 1) 
  • Open Heart Dentistry: Despite being trained as a veterinarian, Demon is introduced managing to treat Mandy when she is injured.
  • Organ Theft: Yakuza Oyabun Matsushi Kimimada had profited off of the sale of illegal organ harvesting before his death.
  • Yakuza: Mandy and Jerry are initially working with the New Orleans Japanese Yakuza, having trained under the assassin Kunoichi.
    Tropes Applying to the 2019 Run (Volume 2) 
  • By-the-Book Cop: Brett had previously brought Bobbi back to her foster home, thinking it was the correct course of action as a police officer. However, he later learns that her foster father had been sexually abusive. Fortunately, Kunoichi offers to take both Brett and Bobbi under her wing.
  • Human Traffickers: The Widowmaker sells children as prostitutes.
  • Lecherous Stepparent: Bobbi's foster father is a creep who has molested her.
  • The Queenpin: Ms. Lorinda Johnson, otherwise known as the "Widowmaker", is the leader of an assassination and human trafficking organization. She has conditioned several girls into being assassins and sold several children into sexual slavery.
  • Sex Slave: In addition to conditioning girls into being trained "Widow" killers, Widowmaker sells children—boys in particular—to be raped.
  • Tyke Bomb: After being recruited by Widowmaker, Bobbi is initially conditioned into working for her as one of her "Widow" assassins.
