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Characters / The Real World 1 New York

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    Becky Blasband 

Becky Blasband

Age: 24 (at time of filming)
Hometown: New Hope, Pennsylvania

    Heather B. Gardner 

Heather B. Gardner

Age: 20 (at time of filming)
Hometown: Jersey City, New Jersey

  • Conscious Hip Hop: She is an aspiring rapper, and she writes an album called "The System Sucks".

    Julie Gentry 

Julie Gentry

Age: 19 (at time of filming)
Hometown: Birmingham, Alabama

  • Innocently Insensitive: She grew up in a very sheltered environment, and sometimes says ignorant things, which bothers black roommates Heather and Kevin.
  • Southern Belle: She is from Alabama.

    Norman Korpi 

Norman Korpi

Age: 25 (at time of filming)
Hometown: Wakefield, Michigan

    Eric Nies 

Eric Nies

Age: 20 (at time of filming)
Hometown: Ocean Township, New Jersey

  • Mr. Fanservice: He is a male model, and all the girls find him attractive.
