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Characters / Neo Dream Traveler

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A cheerful half-human-half-baku girl who lives alone on a mysterious dream planet known as the Melty Land. She eats the nightmares of Blue Girl, but once she eats enough, the Blue Girl stops coming and forgets about her, leaving her all alone.—-
  • Ambiguously Gay: She's never explicitly stated to love Blue Girl romantically, but there is some romantic subtext in Melty Land Nightmare's lyrics - such as "I loved you, but you'll wake up/forget about me", "One that could make my heart stop - this innocent, lonely girl", and the frequent mention of hearts.
  • Hates Being Alone: Begs Blue Girl not to ever forget her in Melty Land Nightmare. Obviously, this fails. Makes sense, given that she appears to be the only resident of her entire planet.
  • Uncertain Doom: May or may not have eventually starved to death after Melty Land Nightmare.
  • Sole Survivor: Subtly implied. She mentions a "papa", and a family photo is seen in one shot, as well as there being ruins of a city in the Melty Land. It's unknown what happened to the rest of her species.
  • Thousand-Yard Stare - Often has this in Melty Land Nightmare, in contrast to her bright and happy personality.
  • Girly Girl - Insists that it's a very disrespectful thing to interrupt her while she's "getting all cutesy-cute" in the Melty Land Written Report.

Blue Girl

A troubled girl who often visits the Melty Land in her sleep. Doesn't remember her dreams well.

Navy Blue-Haired Girl

One of the two last survivors of the end of the world. Plays the guitar.

White-Haired Girl

One of the two last survivors of the end of the world. Wears a very big sunhat.


The titular protagonist of Seventina, a manga created by Dango. Dango's 17-year-old self's sapient self-insert.


A stressed-out former mangaka who now works a boring job. Rediscovered her love for her works after her original character used the magic of dreams in this universe to pull her into the world of her manga.


An NPC living in the abandoned VR video game world of Aster. After it becomes overrun by viruses that kill her best friend, she gets angry and shoots up the place while drinking poison, before laying down to die.


An android who wishes to be human. Greatly admires Usagi.


A young human girl who M-39 takes a particular liking to.

Young Nemu

A self-conscious young girl who turns to her older self, whom she meets in dreams, for advice. Loves her stuffed rabbit.

Older Nemu

A woman who gives her younger self advice in dreams, but gets annoyed by her self-consciousness.

Teal Girl

A girl waiting for the end of the world with her best friend. The event causes her to reflect on life.

Magenta Girl

A girl waiting for the end of the world with her best friend. Seems to be quite indifferent about the apocalypse.


A variant of the Vocaloid LU Mi that appears in This Earth, For You. Seems to be a goddess of some sort.
