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Characters / Harry Potter Hogwarts

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    Are Molly and Arthur the first students who had rotating DADA teachers? 
They're both born around 1950..and they went to school in the 1960s. If a time line in another headshracter is right -"Voldemort" (ie: Tom Riddle Jr)-he asked again in 1957 if he could have the DADA position. Since its was from that time-the position was cursed. So it means Arthur and Molly were first, then Harry's parents,Snape, and James' friends of Sirius, Lupin and Pettigrew, and then it would be the Weasly children (Bill, Charlie, Percy and the twins). It would explain by the Ron and Harry's time at Hogwarts like Dumbledore was basically scrapping the bottom of the list by then. Even though if Dumbledore was headmaster in 1957..why was Remus' parents worried about their son "not being allowed into Hogwarts"?
