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Characters / Finale

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Finale isn't so much a show with numerous characters as a show with Loads and Loads of MAIN Characters.

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    The Narrator 
"So what's the difference between a penny and a planet? Nothing."

Originated by Christina Quezada

An omniscient narrator who appears to provide Exposition Dump.

The Narrator provides examples of:

    Sam Kinsley 
"Would you like to hear something else?"

Originated by Julia Moore

An aspiring broadway actress

Sam provides examples of:

    Amy Ryner 
"If I say yes, can I have another beer?"

Originated by Amelia Moran

A retiring woman struggling with her alcohol addiction.

Amy provides examples of:

    Lucy Everett 
"Dance break!"

Originated by Nicole Zamlout

A co-worker of Amy's, who is far too excited to see her retire.

Lucy provides examples of:
