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Characters / Billy the Exterminator

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The cast of Billy the Exterminator.


An exterminator with Vexcon, and the host of the series.

  • Animal Lover: Played with. Billy has no trouble killing wasps and other insects (and generally seems to enjoy gassing the things that can sting), but anything larger than that, he will often do everything he can to merely catch it and release it into the wild. Any time he deals with an alligator, if it's found to be over six feet long and is required by law to be killed, he genuinely seems upset by it.
  • Blood Knight: Regarding fire ants. When he was three, he stomped through a few mounds and got stung so badly that he lost the nails from both big toes. Since then, he's done his best to wipe out fire ant colonies whenever he finds them.
  • Large Ham: Billy is this, but it's hard to tell if it's for the cameras or if he really does act this way. Either way, it's for the better, as it can make him much more fun to listen to.


Billy's mother, and the receptionist at Vexcon.

  • My Beloved Smother: To Billy and Ricky (especially Ricky). Case in point, when Billy and Ricky rescue a baby alligator, they name it "Donnie" after their mother.

Big Bill

Billy's father, who does various things at Vexcon.

  • Retired Badass: Big Bill used to be an exterminator, but due to his age and health problems, he mostly stays in the office. He still occasionally goes out into the field, but only in spite of Donnie's extreme reluctance.


Billy's younger brother, and another Vexcon exterminator.

  • Plot Allergy: Ricky is seriously allergic to stinging insects. He still does jobs involving stinging insects, but he is always accompanied by someone else (usually Billy).


Billy's wife, who quits Vexcon in Season 1.


Ricky's ex-wife, who appears in some episodes of Season 1.

  • Gold Digger: Donnie is adamant in her claim that Pam is only with Ricky and Vexcon for the money.
