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Bluff The Impostor / Comic Books

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Bluffing the Imposter in Comic Books.

  • Buck Danny: One story has Buck shot down deep in enemy territory, stuck in a tree in the middle of a swamp. A plane is sent out to rescue him, but the enemy commander can hear their transmissions, and instructs his men accordingly (when Buck shines a light to mark his position for pickup, the soldiers do the same). After the Vietcong show they're listening in by flashing their lights as often as Buck, Sonny tells Buck to use the winning score of the last basketball game played on the Entreprise.
  • Doctor Strange: In Doctor Strange: The Oath, Doctor Strange encounters a demonic entity who tries to convince Strange that he is facing one of his most powerful foes, Dormammu. Strange, suspicious of Dormammu's sudden arrival, asks him, "So where is Umar, your rapscallion of a brother?" When Dormammu answers, "He is none of your concern," Strange has his answer; Umar is Dormammu's sister.
  • Fantastic Four: In Fantastic Four (1961), when Doctor Doom pulls a "Freaky Friday" Flip with Mr. Fantastic, Reed is unable to prove it, until Johnny stages an explosion, knowing the real Doctor Doom will try to save his own skin first. Which he does.
  • Infinite Frontier: DEO agent Cameron Chase confronts a returning Captain Atom on working with the DEO. Atom refuses as Chase brings up their past working together and Atom says he remembers it well but they've both changed since then.
    Chase: Yeah, but that's the thing...(raises her gun) You and I have never met before.
    "Atom": Dammit. Oldest trick in the book.
  • Power Pack: Katie Power once attempted this with her future self.
    Past Katie: Who was my first boyfriend?
    Future Katie: Franklin Richards.
    Past Katie: Wrong! It was a trick question. Boys are gross!
    Future Katie: Give it a few years, honey. You'll change your mind.
    Past Katie: Ewww.
  • Ronin (1983): Peter's suspicions of "Taggart" not being what he seems are confirmed when he doesn't react when Peter claims that his wife Casey accompanied the two on a trip, when she did not. And when Virgo doesn't react either, he knows she's in on it too.
  • Secret Warps: While Soldier Supreme and Iron Hammer are fighting, their enemies show up to attack, as does Madame Hel, Iron Hammer's girlfriend. Soldier wants to attack, but Iron Hammer instead calls on Hel to simply take off her mask. At which point Deathstrique drops her disguise, since only Iron Hammer knows what Hel looks like unmasked.
  • Spider-Man: In The Sensational Spider Man Vol. 2 #31, while the Parker family lived in Avengers Tower, Chameleon walks in disguised as Peter. Aunt May notices something is off right from the start, and hits him with three of these, starting by offering him oatmeal cookies (which Peter hates). Once he's eaten the (drugged) cookies, she explains how badly he screwed up just before he passes out.
  • In the Team 7/Weapon X crossover, the two squads meet in an underground base they were both tasked with blowing up. At gunpoint, they ask each other sports questions to find out if they are Soviets. Amusingly, Wolverine (a Canadian) asks a hockey question, which would probably be more easily answered by a Russian than an American.
  • Wolverine: In Old Man Logan #25, Logan stops at a diner he frequents. He notices the staff is different, and asks the waitress what happened to Lexi. After the waitress responds by saying Lexi took the day off, Logan grabs her and reveals nobody named Lexi has ever worked there. It's then revealed that the real staff has been killed and replaced by members of the Hulk Gang.
  • Wonder Woman Vol. 2: Wonder Woman and Captain Atom are out to rescue Steve Trevor from shape-shifting Durlans. They're separated and "Atom" comes to Diana to say he found Trevor. Suspicious, Diana asks if he also found Captain Nate Adam." When "Atom" says he did, Diana knows this is a Nate Adam is Captain Atom.
  • X-Men: Visiting the X-Mansion, Banshee starts to sense something is wrong. Seeing Bishop and Gambit, he makes an offhand remark of how "now that the Professor is walking again," he's been busy. When both men agree, Banshee knows they're imposters as Professor X is still in his wheelchair.
