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Awesome / The World According to Garp

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  • Jenny Fields slashes a man who tries to grope her in a movie theater...and then, when someone calls for a doctor, volunteers her services as a nurse to save the man she just slashed.
  • In Vienna, Garp becomes a regular client of a much-older sex worker named Charlotte. When Charlotte is dying of cancer, he's the only one who visits her in the hospital, and when she dies, he tells off the nasty nurse who tries to judge Charlotte for her profession.
    Nurse: The prostitute is dead.
    Garp: One day, meine frau, you will be dead too.
  • While jogging in the park, Garp finds a young child who's been sexually assaulted and chases her rapist right into the arms of the police. (Bonus awesome for the policeman's horse, who kicks out the rapist's front teeth.)
  • After becoming the sworn enemy of the radical feminist Ellen James Society, Garp finally meets the real Ellen James. Turns out she's a fan of his work, but not of the Ellen Jamesians.
  • The sportscasters who awkwardly but sincerely honor Roberta Muldoon's life and work by not misgendering her:
    Sportscaster #1: She was a great athlete.
    Sportscaster #2: A great set of hands.
    Sportscaster #3: Yeah. She didda lot for people wit...wit complicated lives.
