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Awesome / The Lord Inquisitor

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The most badass of the badass
  • The Grey Knights teaser trailer is made of win, despite consisting solely of a Lock-and-Load Montage. The reason? The animation quality. The Lord Inquisitor is a fan film and yet... just watch it.
    • Even better is the scene itself. It says a lot that a Grey Knight (albeit in Terminator armor) walking down a corridor is a moment made of awesome. His helmet's eyes lighting up is enough to send a shiver down your spine.
  • The prologue has been released and basically amounts to eight minutes of Visual Effects of Awesome, but special mention surely has to go to the short appearance of the Imperial Fists, truly conveying the scale and grandeur of the Astartes even amongst a colossal parade. And that's before you get to see not one, but two Dreadnoughts marching behind their brothers.
    • The parade in general shows off a lot of cool imagery with members of the Ministorum, Imperial Guard troops, and the Astartes all marching in perfect step, with the Lord Inquisitor sitting above it all. It shows us what the Imperium truly is: heavily militarized, disciplined, powerful, and grand, even in the dark times that humanity now lives in.
  • Erasmus Brosdau and his fellow creators are doing this for free. Those Visual Effects of Awesome? Funded only by the creators themselves (their agreement with Games Workshop forbids them from making any money from the film at all, even from a Kickstarter or the like), and worked on in their spare time around their day jobs. Even with those constraints, they've managed to deliver something met with near-universal praise by the 40k fandom.
