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Awesome / The Beast of Beacon

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  • Chapter 1 starts off with Adam stumbling into the Dust shop that Roman Torchwick is currently robbing. Adam's presence ensures not only that Roman's goons get dispatched more quickly and brutally, but also that Roman does not get away.
  • Chapter 11: After baiting Team CRMN, absolutely brutalizing them while smugly lecturing, Adam even goes as far as baiting the last standing member into attacking him in a racist, vindictive rage in the presence of Glynda. She gets dragged into Ozpin's office, to be suspended at best and expelled at worst.
  • Chapter 17. The cafeteria brawl at the end of the chapter is filled with awesome moments:
    • Adam takes the beating from other racist students, to the point of shocking Weiss. Then when one of the bullies try to take off his eye-patch, he starts to retaliate and actually uses his horn to pierce the bully's hand. Note that this is what must be one of the first instances ever in both canon and fanworks where he used his horns during a fight.
    • Weiss screams at the bullies and other students holding her back to stop, even threatening that she will make sure they would get expelled.
    • Jaune becoming the first non-Team RYST member to intervene, an action far cry from at this point of the canon, where he just watched and let Cardin bully himself and other students.
    • Ozpin enters the scene and silences all the students with what is described as an enchanted slam of his cane.
      Ozpin: Well? Did I stutter? To your dorms!
    • And finally, Adam gets his very first talk with Blake in Beacon. He lets out all the pent-up feelings and does it without a single act of violence or a threat of one:
      Adam: If you were the one being attacked, no force on Remnant would have stopped me coming to your defence. I wouldn't have stood and watched. To think I'd see the day a Schnee would stand up for me where you wouldn't.
      Blake: We're nothing now, Adam. A-As far as I'm concerned, we don't know one another. We're complete strangers.
      Adam: Fitting. I certainly don't know you anymore...
  • Chapter 35: Pyrrha using her Semblance to save Adam from electrocuted by shock collar that is hijacked by Cinder.
