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Awesome / Tennessee

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  • Ellis, Carter, and Krystal successfully escaping Frank by hopping on a train to Tennessee.
  • Krystal has her moment when she stands up to Frank at the house for his ungratefulness. Sadly, it gets her a beating, but you've got to give her points for having the guts.
    Frank: Where the fuck were you?
    Krystal: Out getting my nails done, what do you think? (hands over bottle)) They were out of Jacob.
    Frank: (stares at bottle in disgust) This is piss water. Why didn't you go to another store?
    Krystal: Because I wanted to come home.
    Frank: My boys don't drink this shit.
    Krystal: You know what? I don't give a shit what your boys drink, especially since I spent all my tip money, and I know I've yet to see a dime of it!
    Frank: (slams Krystal into the wall)
