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Awesome / StarCraft: Mass Recall

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  • The sheer level of detail and attention in not only recreating the original game as faithfully as the team did, but adding numerous new in-game cinematics to give them extra flair, and recreating the full FMVs of the original game using the in-game engine.
    • Not only does it recreate StarCraft and Brood War with that fidelity and quality, it does the same thing for the Precursor campaignnote  and Resurrection IVnote .
  • Mission 5-6 recreates the original game's cinematic of Valkyries flying in to destroy a flock of Mutalisks. What elevates it to truly epic levels is that the mod makers insert "Ride of the Valkyries" as the music playing during the attack, and it continues for a time after the mission proper begins.
