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Awesome / Old World Blues

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  • Conquering a major nation as a minor nation. Bonus points if you're playing a generic nation and are nothing more than expansion fodder for the major.
    • Defeating The Washington Brotherhood as the Yakama Nation or Olympus Tribe is a good example
    • A very clear moment of awesome relating to this is defeating Old Country, The Washington Brotherhood, The Bone Dancers, and/or the Troll Warren as the Timberline. Imagine being the biggest bads of the wasteland, and as you start stomping around, seeking to claim a seemingly defenseless territory, you get the resistance of a lifetime, that ends once you don't exist anymore.
  • All of the Animated Portraits. Bonus points to the Odious King and Tlalocan.
  • As of an update, Lanius receives the option to turn against Caesar and take the Legion for himself. In doing so, he forms the Res Publica, a new Roman Republic. Lanius, "The Monster of the East" is one of Caesar's top generals and can establish a government with a good chance of lasting after his death, something that not even Caesar could do. Of course, he does have a little bit of help from the Cult of Diana.
