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Awesome / Mirai of the Future

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A movie about a young boy encountering his baby sister's teenage self from the future is bound to have moments of awesomeness.

  • Kun turning into a Human/Dog Hybrid after attaching Human Yukko's tail to himself.
  • Kun's great-grandfather taking him for rides on his horse and motorcycle, teaching him the importance of determination in the process.
  • Kun successfully learning to ride his bicycle following his encounter with his great-grandfather.
  • Tokyo Train Station until Kun realises the trouble he's in.
  • Kun saving Baby Mirai from the Lonely Train and declaring he is her brother.
  • Future Mirai in turn rescuing Kun and their ensuing journey through the different time periods associated with their family.
  • The big smile Baby Mirai gives Kun after he offers her some banana and their enthusiastic screams that follow.
