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Awesome / Mad Rat Dead

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  • Despite appearances and Heart's doubts, Mad Rat really does manage to kill the scientist that killed him. Too bad that was just a hallucination… but he finds and can kill the real scientist.
  • Mad Rat uses his time powers for good, such as saving the black cat who tried to eat him from drowning and the little girl who saved him from getting run over by a truck.
    • That last one stands out, given that the level prior to it was a fairly casual stroll in the park. As soon as Mad Rat decides to save the girl and rewinds time, it's time to replay the stage again with a faster beat and the challenge amped up.
  • Mad Rat eventually finds the true identity of the "Rat God": a parasite in his brain that can also rewind time. Mad Rat manages to escape the "Groundhog Day" Loop and defeat the parasite.
  • One of the animations that plays for crawling has Mad Rat work up the audacity to start breakdancing in the middle of whatever pressing matter he's dealing with, up to and including boss fights.
  • Back to before the transplant, Mad Rat manages to leave his cage despite having a bad heart that would kill him very soon.
