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Awesome / Little Nightmares: The Butterfly Effect

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  • Seven having enough of the cycle’s shit by simply shouting out his fate in front of his friends, even if it leads to awkward looks from all of them. Also a funny moment.
  • The massive hellstorm the North Wind and the ember butterfly create which not only saves Raine and Liz from their fate, but also tears down the house, rocks the Maw and sends Seven flying into the storm. Though a nightmare, it’s quite impressive.
  • Mono pushing him to his limits with his powers, managing to blow up the house and send the remaining children and Thin Man flying.
  • Raine showing off her sailor skills by paddling an old piece of wood, directing the raft she, Six and Liz are on through the ocean storm into A GIANT FUCKING WAVE AND SOMEHOW THE TRIO SURVIVES! Proves how good of a sailor Raine is.
  • Mono using his powers to escape the Tower Flesh as it warps itself into a monster to capture the boy.
  • The Lady herding up the panicking children and leading them toward the storm room aka the prison even as the Maw is being rocked violently.
    • The Granny not giving a shit about how bad the hellstorm is getting outside the Maw and drinking a blend of alcohol like there’s no tomorrow.
    • Scarf Kid, despite not being a sailor, still manages to steer the escaping kids from the Nest on the water as best as he could, until a giant wave hits.
    • The Lady, Wax Bellman and the hooded children from the comics working together to submerge the Maw.
    • Before that, the Lady uses her magic to save the five cloaked children by lifting them out of harm’s way.
  • Raine intimidating the Pretender and revealing her status as the Lady’s daughter by revealing her shadow powers passed down by the Lady at birth.
