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Awesome / Kurzgesagt

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  • Their video on the Coronavirus counts for several reasons.
    • First off, many videos on COVID-19 are censored by Youtube because of the waves of misinformation and discrimination that stemmed from it. Kurzgesagt may have been given the special exception because they're partnered, yet the video talks about what the virus does, what people can do to limit the spread and how to turn it into a slow pandemic.
    • If you go on the official subreddit, you'll see that people posted that the video even aired on TV, even in different parts of the world. That goes to show on how awesome the video itself is.
    • From a production standpoint, Kurzgesagt admitted that the video took a few weeks to make. In this behind the scenes video, they stated that making an episode takes several months if not a year to create. They are very adamant on having Shown Their Work and breaking topics down in a way that a majority of people can understand. The fact that the video is made that quickly during a crisis and still be accurate is outstanding coming from them.
  • Stephenson 2-18, the largest known star in the universe, comes in as the final subject in The Largest Star in the Universe – Size Comparison, and it's genuinely awesome and fascinating to witness. Though a star of this size burns hot and dies young, it's awesome to know that something so huge exists, a star so unbelievably massive that its outer edges would reach Saturn's orbit if it were placed in the Solar System, and that it would take 9 hours to orbit it at the speed of light! Better yet, as our technology improves, there's a genuine chance of us finding a star even larger out there...
  • The final zoom-out of The Largest Black Hole in the Universe - Size Comparison is awesome in both senses of the term. It starts at relatively small sizes, only to show larger and larger objects, until even Stephenson 2-18, the largest known star, looks like a speck of dust compared to the unfathomable gigantism of the largest black holes. Meanwhile, the music starts crescendoing until it culminates into epic Ominous Latin Chanting as we reach the (at the time) largest known body in the Universe, TON-618.
  • We WILL fix Climate Change is a passionate refutation of the last decade of doom and gloom nihilism regarding the climate crisis, and how it will NOT be the end of humanity. They point to growing trends such as improvements in solar and wind power, new technologies like carbon capture, and a growing number of people and countries moving toward zero carbon goals that have all shown real, genuine progress. But above all else, they point to the fact that hopelessness is the only real roadblock left, and the only thing climate change deniers and anti-progressives have left to use as a weapon. The most powerful tool in the fight against climate change is the hope that the future can be better.
