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Awesome / Justice League/Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers

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  • Zack survives a bomb blowing up in his face, while he was unmorphed, he then proceeds to get up and teleport Lord Zedd and a bunch of Putties out the Command Center.
  • Seeing the Power Rangers going against the Justice League for a short while is kinda fun to watch, especially given that it's kinda showing that all 6 of them together can be one-on-one with some of the greatest heroes ever.
  • During the fight with the Rangers' Zords, Flash is able to phase through Jason's and drag him out onto the street.
  • Lord Zedd escaping from one of Brainiac's captured civilizations by making himself grow and impressing the other villain.
    • His Badass Boast as he does this, counts too.
      I am Lord Zedd. I will not "run". I will not "hide". I will not cower. I will meet this giant face to face.
  • Issue #5 ends with Alpha 5 using one of Zedd's growing grenades on himself and punching a monster.
    • His speech right before this is one as well:
      Alpha 5: I get that you don't have any friends, which is probably why you want to "keep" me. But you've threatened my friends, you've threatened their home, and you've taken their families. I'm not really going to stand for that.
      Brainiac: You have no choice.
      Alpha 5: I have a choice. I choose to fight for something larger than myself.
    • He puts up quite an impressive fight against the monster, it doesn't even scratch him! For a seemingly non-combatant robot he took several levels of badassery.
  • After Zedd effortlessly deals with the Justice League in his gigantic form, the Rangers turn the tables on him by forming Megazord and mopping the floor with him. Zedd goes from overconfident smugness to a hasty retreat after a few panels of well deserved beatdown.
  • Mixed with funny, but the Rangers using JLA members' equipment shows that they can keep up with more established heroes even without the Power Coins.
