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Awesome / Good Omens (2019)

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When it's the end of the World as we know it you have to go out in style!

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Seson 1

  • Agnes Nutter's death. She opens the door to the mob, greets Witchfinder Major Pulsifer as "Adultery", walks herself to her own stake, and then blows up the assembled people with gunpowder and nails hidden in her petticoats.
  • After leaving the Garden, Adam and Eve are attacked by a lion, with Adam fending it off using the burning sword he got from Aziraphale. Awesome on its own, since Adam has never had to kill before yet does it in defense of his pregnant lover, but also means that all of humanity exists because Aziraphale was kind enough to give them something they could use to keep themselves warm on cold nights.
  • Crowley holding together his burning, disintegrating car with sheer force of will, imagining that his car is perfectly sound and so forcing it to be until he gets where he's going and can casually stroll out asking where the Antichrist is.
    Crowley: I've had you since you were new and you are not going to burn! Don't even think of it!
  • The Them standing up to Adam and talking him down from wanting to bring about the apocalypse. The six thousand year plan for Armageddon, orchestrated by the forces of Heaven and Hell, derailed because three preteens weren't afraid to call out their friend for going mad with power.
  • The Them defeating the Horsemen, starting with Pepper kicking War in the shins, forcing her to drop her flaming sword, then stabbing her with it.
    Pepper: I believe in peace, bitch!
  • Adam facing off against Satan, and as Crowley and Aziraphale had advised him, he has just one chance at using his Reality Warper powers to triumph. What does Adam do? He yells at the giant Devil, "You're not my dad!" He gives Satan a "The Reason You Suck" Speech because Satan actually expects Adam to listen and start the end of the world just because Satan says so. Satan is genuinely taken aback and fades into smoke, screaming. According to Crowley, what Adam did caused a Cosmic Retcon since if Satan is not Adam's father, he was never the Antichrist, and the Apocalypse cannot happen.
  • Crowley and Aziraphale's final deception against the forces of Heaven and Hell. Knowing that they will be punished due to Agnes Nutter's final prophecy, they swap places. Thus, when they are sentenced to death by the other side's preferred method (holy water and hellfire), they are immune. Each side is now scared shitless of Aziraphale and Crowley's assumed heightened powers and decide to just leave them alone.
    Aziraphale pretending to be Crowley: You're probably wondering: "If he can do this, I wonder what else he can do?"
    • Aziraphale-as-Crowley snarks his way through the entire thing, including asking if Hell has rubber ducks and casually ordering the Archangel Michael to miracle him up a towel, shocking her so much that she actually does it. (Remember that this is Aziraphale pretending to be Crowley. He's never openly rebelled before, and he's surrounded by some of the worst possible people on either side to piss off, and he pulls everything off flawlessly.) It doubles as Heartwarming because this is probably how Aziraphale sees Crowley— confident, snarky, and dismissive in the face of overwhelming odds because of his inherent belief in his own imagination to get him out of any situation.
    • Triply heartwarming when you remember that Aziraphale's greatest fear is that Hell will destroy Crowley permanently, or that Crowley will destroy himself first to deny them the satisfaction, to the point where he stopped speaking to him for nearly 80 years after his first request for Holy Water. By hamming it up and making Crowley look as dangerous as possible, he's protecting him by creating a reputation of a demon so dangerous, Hell wouldn't dare come after him.
    • Crowley-as-Aziraphale blowing hellfire at Gabriel, Sandalphon and Uriel, and they are scared shitless in response. "Aziraphale" has a very gleeful smile after doing that. Crowley's probably seen how intimidated Aziraphale is in the presence of his fellow angels, and he does his utmost to make sure that Aziraphale is seen as effortlessly intimidating as possible, and worthy of his superiors' respect and awe.
  • When the Quartermaster Angel calls Aziraphale a "pathetic excuse for an angel" for turning up without a body for Armageddon, Aziraphale responds thusly:
    Aziraphale: Well, I suppose I am. I mean... (firmly puts down war uniform) I have no intention of fighting in any war.

Season 2

  • In "The Hitchhiker", Aziraphale and Crowley are due to perform a Bullet Catch as part of a stage magic act. Moments before the trick they realise their ability to perform miracles have been blocked, so they have no way to save Aziraphale if something goes wrong. Despite zero rehearsal and Crowley never firing a gun before he's able to successfully miss Aziraphale the way the trick requires.
    • Once they're backstage Furfur confronts the duo with a picture of them that he's going to show Hell as proof of their "fraternising". Aziraphale uses sleight of hand to swap the picture for a flier for the theatre without anyone else in the room noticing.
  • Crowley tricks Muriel into taking him to Heaven and proceeds to walk around like he owns the place, commenting that angels only guard the outside and don't have security measures against successful infiltrators. He's then shown a file, but Muriel explains it's locked to them and can only be accessed by Dominions or higher… only for Crowley to flip the cover open anyhow and note that Heaven never changes their passwords.
    • Which is foreshadowed in the first episode: Crowley was one of the angels who created the universe, on at least the same level if not higher as Aziraphale, who is "The Angel of The Eastern Gate". The one who got to crank start it and say "Let it be light" in fact, which is not something you let some nobody underling do.
