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  • Ida gets Doctor Behring so he'll perform a Caesarean on Mrs. Ehrlich, but Behring is on Laudanum withdrawal, sweating and with shaky hands, admitting that he's of no use as a surgeon now. When Ida pleads with him, he voluntarily jumps Off the Wagon — and is up and ready for performance ten minutes later, saving Mrs. Ehrlich's life. A personal tragedy for him, yes, but also a major act of selflessness.
  • Hedwig brings a feverish Robert Koch to his house where Mrs. Koch tells her to get lost and bring Robert somewhere else for treatment because he's not welcome anymore. Hedwig points out that, if Mrs. Koch denies her husband entry to his own house, especially when he's sick, he could easily enforce a divorce, and she'd lose every claim on compensation. It's all the more awesome because Hedwig does not only prove spunk — she willingly makes it less likely that Robert will divorce his wife to marry her instead if it means he'll recover.
  • Ehrlich convicts von Minckwitz of having stolen the Tuberculin from Koch's laboratory, using the fingerprint method Doyle has told him about.
  • Behring injects his diphtheria serum to Stine, intravenously which is not the common method at the time and considered problematic. Yet Stine gets better almost instantly — Behring and Ehrlich have successfully developed the antitoxin that'll defeat diphtheria.
  • Ida tells both Doctor Tischendorf and Georg that she wants to study medicine; on the comment that a woman should know her place, she replies that, apparently, her place is not at Georg's side. When he later confronts her about "[having] made a fool of [him] before [his] father" and demands she'll leave decisions regarding their future to him if she wants to be his wife, Ida all but laughs in his face and marches out of his life with her head held high.
    Ida: I was fundamentally mistaken about you, Mr. Tischendorf. I'm sure you'll find a woman who meets your standards.
  • Edith and Ida have been butting heads in the past, but when the police comes to arrest Edith for her social-democratic efforts, Ida makes sure that Edith immediately knows of the situation (by calling to Stine over the hallway so that Stine has to give a loud answer that Edith can hear) and then distracts the officers from her and makes Edith's actions out to be harmless and within the boundaries of law.
