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Awesome / Barry Horowitz

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  • 1995 wasn't one of the WWF's better years, but one of the great standout moments was Barry Horowitz and his surprise win over Skip, along with the crowd's huge reaction to it. After being a Jobber for years - a recurring name in the company, sure, but only for the purpose of putting over the other Superstars - it just made his win that much more of a surprise. His fifteen minutes didn't last, but it was such a treat for once to see him be a real WWF Superstar.
    • Which leads to a Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: he was named Pro Wrestling Illustrated's "Most Inspirational Wrestler" for 1995.
    • It also led to an appearance in 1995's Survivor Series, as a member of the team captained by The Undertaker.
