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Awesome / Baptism of Fire

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  • Improvised attractor teleportation.note  When you capture a magic user, you make sure one won't just teleport away... but you may disregard a very unlikely possibility that this person, after receiving support from a mortal enemy, will have enough raw guts to use a random oyster shell as a conduit to teleport into the middle of whichever sea it came from.
  • Inspired by Geralt's decision to stand as a champion in combat against the opressed, Regis picks up a white hot horseshoe from a blazing fire as part of a trial by ordeal to prove an autistic girl's innocence against a depraved lynch mob led by a bigoted priest who wishes to burn the girl alive for the "crime" of otherness and witchcraft. His hand is not harmed at all. The key here is not that he didn't know he would be unharmed — he knew — but that he was willing to go against The Masquerade in such a blatant fashion to save an innocent.
