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Always Someone Better / Comic Books

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There's Always Someone Better in Comic Books.

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Other Comics

  • A lot of British children's comics, such as The Beano and The Dandy, characters have fallen victim to this, because many of them consist of groups of friends/sports teams/classes etc. where each character is centred around a particular attribute — clever, fat, short-sighted, whatever — and a common plot is to introduce them to an even more exaggerated version of themselves.
  • In the G.I. Joe Marvel comic series, before the actual events of the comic, Snake-Eyes became this for Storm Shadow, with some judicious manipulation from Firefly.
  • In My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (IDW) Upon seeing the sheer power Twilight possesses, Chrysalis immediately declares she wants Twilight to be her apprentice. Though Twilight is quick to point out while she can gather all the power in the world, unlike Twilight, she doesn't know how to really use it.
  • Rick and Morty (Oni): Jerry J19ζ7, a.k.a. "Doofus Jerry", is this for every other version of himself. In the same vein that Doofus Rick is looked down upon by other Ricks for being a genuinely nice person and possibly not as intelligent as the others, Doofus Jerry is the exact opposite of a normal Jerry. He's an evil, cunning, always-successful Manipulative Bastard whose business savvy and ambition make him a masterful tactician capable of single-handedly taking down the Council of Ricks.
  • In the Transformers series from IDW, Sixshot seems to be this for every Decepticon ... or he would be, if anyone but Megatron weren't so afraid of him they strip gears at the mention of his name.
