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Live Blogs They Went Looking for the Gods, and Died in Lonely Places: Caliburn plays Night in the Woods
CaliburnAbsoluteEX2018-02-09 17:03:39

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After Bea leaves the room, Mae finally has one of those psychic dreams. About damn time. Armed with a glowing baseball bat, I soon find some cars and street lights situated along the path. Destructible ones, at that. Time to shatter some glass.

The neon letters in this dream spell Durkillesburg. I have no idea what that means but I assume it's German.

After beating enough cars, lights, and trash cans senselessly, I happen upon some sort of funky birdlike sculpture pointing at Mae. Well, I'm a simple man, and I can comprehend simple objectives. Doesn't get much simpler than "smash and destroy", does it?

Each time I whack it enough that part of it breaks, Mae is blown back by the force of the destruction she wreaks. Eventually the sculpture goes down and the dream ends, marking the beginning of Part 2: Weird Autumn.

After playing some Demontower, I check Mae's bass to see that a new track is listed: Go Get Dead, Angel Face. I'm ready to play it and sorta suck at it, but when I choose it Mae's like "no, not ever" and the option disappears. Alright, Space Dragon it is.

Since I didn't suck at it this time, Mae added a new doodle to her notebook (in addition to the notes she added after her early-morning ramble). You'll learn how to draw dragons someday, Mae, I believe in you!

At this point I think it's about time I mention Mae's neighbor Selmers. Out of all the citizens of Possum Springs besides Gregg, Angus, and Bea, she's the one I've been able to talk to most consistently. Her boyfriend left her, she's in rehab on account of a painkiller addiction, overall she hasn't been doing too well. Of course, she has been trying her hand (or paw) at poetry, that'll probably help. In regards to the quality of her verses...

Selmers: "In my heart
is a dankness
but when I see you
I feel a thankness."

...She's trying her best.

Oh yeah and Mae's old teacher is standing on the roof with a telescope like he said he'd be. Time to go stargazing in the daytime! Mae is immediately blinded when she looks into the telescope and I am immediately reminded of my concern about my already-shitty eyesight becoming shittier to the point where I can't even see and I need laser eye surgery. But that's not important, we've got... dusk stars(?) to look at! The first constellation visible is that of Dohr the Murderer, this cat peasant who took a whooole lotta offense to having his village, family, and chickens insulted by a king who was pissy because Dohr didn't cheer for him. Dohr responded by killing the king's family, village, and chickens, before killing the king himself. That's just a teensy bit overboard if you ask me.

The second constellation is that of Castys, this coyote lady who got sunk into the sea for building a Tower of Babel but she didn't die because she was too stubborn to. She has determination, I like that.

Since the power line maintenance worker is gone, I can now jump on the power line by way of the recently-installed street lamp and reach new heights! And along with those heights is a half-open window that Mae can crawl into. Inside the building are all the supplies for the spring parade that got cancelled many years ago, including a giant, terrifying duck named Mallard P. Bloomingro. It's really cute to see Mae reminisce about how much she loved the parade and how she used to look up to Mallard. Also Mallard has a bunch of rat babies living inside of him.

With that out of the way, it's time to talk to Lori! She's awful casual about being on top of the roof of a three-story house. That, and she apologizes almost as much as I do. I'll need to come up here more often to chat.

Stopping by the old underground trolley station, I steal a pretzel for the little rat babies (complete with a minigame), talk to Mrs. Rosa, and overhear a conversation between Aunt Molly and some upset citizens over the vandalized mural. I love Mae's commentary on the vandalism.

Mae: "The dudes! Someone hecked up the dudes!"

On my way to Gregg at the Snack Falcon, I see this bird dude blocking my way. Jeremy Warton, better known as Germ Warfare. I remember hearing about him, but I know very little about him. Not that our conversation does much to help with that, of course.


...okay yeah that's still you.

After some trial and error (and misc. conversations) I managed to get on top of the Clik-Clak Diner too. I AM A PLATFORMING GOD! NONE CAN STOP ME! I SHALL SCALE ALL THE BUILDINGS OF POSSUM SPRINGS!

With that out of the way it's time to talk to Gregg about band practice! ...Or not since I forgot to check out the church that I now have access to.

...Or not because the game saved after I agreed to going to band practice. fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Okay whatever we're gonna play Weird Autumn and I'm probably gonna suck and it's gonna be great, yahoo!

Never mind, Gregg says I did good. And he's also inviting me to do crimes with him! As much as I love Gregg, that scene with Mae and Bea in the car last night kinda has me wanting to do her path (from what I know, the game's ending changes slightly depending on who you spent more time with). Decisions decisions... I think I'll just use this time to save and get back to Xenoblade 2, I put that on hold for a while to try NitW out. Dunno if the next update will be tomorrow, but it will definitely answer the question of whether I pick Bea or Gregg.

I'm totally gonna pick Gregg because he's awesome and gay but I need to end this on some kind of a hook. I am serious about wanting to do Bea's path though, I wanna see Mae's friendship with her be rekindled.

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