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Live Blogs Playing Mass Effect 2...with Morinth
KilgoreTrout2013-06-27 14:11:15

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Trials are good things. Pay attention, Morinth, so you can see how the quarians deal with criminals. You'd have had one of these if you were a quarian. This is the non-fucked-up, non-asari way of dealing with dangerous (either potentially dangerous or definitely dangerous) people. But you had the misfortune to be born into a society that thinks letting a bunch of idiots run around unilaterally deciding who should live and who should die is working out just fine, thankyouverymuch. And, from your Mass Effect wiki entry, just kind of told you on your fortieth birthday "Hey, guess what? You're a sex vampire! You have a choice, imprisonment or death! No trial for you!"

(Of course, if you were a quarian, you wouldn't be an Ardat-Yakshi in the first place...ah never mind, let's move on...)

Let me stop for a second. To state the obvious, Morinth has done a lot of bad things. Killing people, enslaving people, throwing said enslaved people into a fight with Samara while she got the hell outta Dodge, and more, and you'll never catch me saying that any of it was okay...

...BUT, I can't look at her reaction to that "imprisonment or death" ultimatum (running away) and honestly say I wouldn't have wanted to do the exact same thing. It's not a real attractive choice. It's one thing I don't think anybody can blame her for.

Anyway, back to the mission. This is the first time I've been here without bringing Legion along and watching all the quarians shit their suits at the sight of him (well, I suppose they already do shit in their suits since they wear the things all the time and that the suits have some kind of waste-collection-and-disposal thingamabob built into them, but you know what I mean), so a lot of conversations will be different from the first time in places. Albeit probably not because of anything my asari teammate says.

Playing as a Renegade who Fucks Up The Galaxy, I'll be encouraging the quarians to go to war with the geth here. There is no way I'll be able to bring myself to keep Legion deactivated later, though, so I'm playing this like my Fem!Shep is an anti-geth bigot right now. She'll meet Legion and talk to him and become more enlightened later, but by then I'll have already convinced these quarians to try to wipe out the geth and it will be too late.

Tali's little speech in the middle of the mission when you bring up that maybe the quarians should give up trying to take back their homeworld pisses me off for the same reason that Tali's arguments about how the quarians were totally right to kill off all the sentient geth after realizing that the geth had become sentient pissed me off.

Tali—and indeed, the majority of quarians—come across as entitled. They think that only they matter, that only their desires and needs matter, and that if they have to sacrifice the geth to get what they want? So be it. Who cares what the geth want, right? The geth don't matter because they aren't quarians.

To steal a line from Yahtzee, "As the exasperated chinese zookeeper said to the last male panda: 'FUCK THAT!'"

Hahaha, I'm in the middle of fighting a shipful of geth, I walk into a room where I see three geth—one of them VERY BIG!—waiting for me behind some glass, and then my Shepard goes "Waitwaitwait, forget about the geth, look at that table! There's a model ship on it! I want that model ship! Yoink! Okay, now that I have another cabin decoration we can get back to the mission."

Picking up a model ship in the middle of a fight just seems much sillier than picking up weapons, ammo, or money. The only thing that would be sillier than that would have been picking up a fish.

Okay, with nary a peep from Morinth, I found the evidence against Tali's father, buried that evidence, and encouraged the quarians to go to war with the geth. When I play ME3 with this character, I will be secretly rooting for the geth, because they don't deserve this. The quarians' former homeworld belongs to the people they tried to commit genocide against thousands of years ago, and they should not get it back unless the geth voluntarily give it up. (Which, judging by my conversations with Legion in my first playthrough, seems like it could be a possibility. If the geth build that dyson sphere, they will have a new home that will be better for them than the old quarian rock ever was.)

Far as the story's concerned, there isn't much left to do other than going to get the IFF and Legion. There are lots of side missions and there's Overlord and Arrival I still haven't done, but nothing there is likely to make Morinth say anything new.

If there is anything else happening Morinth-wise between this point and the point after the suicide mission where we can fuck and I can die (and btw, I would love to know how she explained the dead body, which I don't see how she could have disposed of without removing it from her quarters and EDI seeing, and even if she didn't remove it from her quarters then EDI would note that Shepard was last seen going in there), it will be between the time we get the IFF and the time we hit the Collectors. I remember that there were new dialogue options with people during that period in my first playthrough, so maybe there will be new Morinth stuff. While I'm not holding my breath, I may be pleasantly surprised.


Korval Since: Dec, 1969
Jul 16th 2013 at 12:54:26 AM
Trials are good things. Pay attention, Morinth, so you can see how the quarians deal with criminals. You'd have had one of these if you were a quarian. This is the non-fucked-up, non-asari way of dealing with dangerous (either potentially dangerous or definitely dangerous) people. But you had the misfortune to be born into a society that thinks letting a bunch of idiots run around unilaterally deciding who should live and who should die is working out just fine, thankyouverymuch.

I'm sorry, what? The complete mockery of justice that is Tali'Zorah's "trial" is somehow better than the Justicar code?

Samara's code may be harsh, it may involve quick, violent solutions to people doing bad things. But at least it requires that people are doing bad things. Even if "bad things" can mean little more than "not allowing the Justicar to go where she needs to go", Justicars are still bound by the code not to just go on random murder sprees. The party to be killed must be doing something wrong, by an objective definition.

It may not be the modern, Western concept of justice. But it is at least fair.

Tali is completely innocent of what she's charged with (though having an investigation or trial is reasonable, given that there is evidence against her). The entire trial is little more than a proxy for the debate on how to deal with the Geth and the future of the Quarian civilization. Zaal'Koris is pushing for the trial because it hurts Tali and Han'Gerrel's political position, not because he believes it to be true.

I'll take neck-snapping Justicars over politically-motivated show-trials any day of the week. At least the neck-snapping Justicars are honest about what they are.

Just because it's called a "trial" doesn't mean it's just or fair.

Tali—and indeed, the majority of quarians—come across as entitled. They think that only they matter, that only their desires and needs matter, and that if they have to sacrifice the geth to get what they want? So be it. Who cares what the geth want, right? The geth don't matter because they aren't quarians.

Um, I would like to point out some facts:

  • "The Quarians" who tried to genocide the Geth? That wasn't the entire Quarian race. They didn't all make that decision. How do you know that there wasn't a debate, a close vote, or just military units unilaterally taking action that they felt should minimize the possible damage of a Geth revolt? A hell of a lot of innocent Quarians, who had nothing to do with the decision to purge the Geth, were also murdered by the Geth. So don't act like every Quarian who evacuated their homeworld deserved what they got.

  • "The Quarians" who tried to genocide the Geth? Yeah, they're all dead now. That was generations ago. They're all being punished for the actions of people long dead. They have every right to be pissed off about that.

  • Many of "The Quarians" would be more or less happy if the Geth just upped and left the homeworld. Not Daro'Xen of course, but many others. For a lot of them, it's not about the Geth; the Geth are just a huge obstacle they must overcome to reclaim the homeworld. The goal is the homeworld. A homeworld the Geth have no more right to than the Quarians (and by some measures quite a bit less, since the Quarians evolved there).

  • The Quarians, thanks to an immune system that makes less sense every time Bio Ware describes it in greater detail, can't really settle anywhere else. At least, not without still wearing those suits, which doesn't really offer much reason to bother settling somewhere.

This isn't about "entitlement"; it's about the question of what is a living being. Daro'Xen is pretty clear on thinking of the Geth as simply buggy programs that have run amok and need to be taken back under control.