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MorwenEdhelwen2013-01-19 02:28:52

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The Purpose of this blog

The purpose of this blog is to post updates on my writing projects for anyone wants to know. So, recently I've developed an idea inspired by Tolkien and this series of books: which takes the Newer Than They Think tropes about fairies, vampires and werewolves and dumps them in a world where it's real. I'm doing pretty much the same thing, only with Tolkien-type fantasy. So, for example, my protagonist is named Frodo after Frodo Baggins, (Frodo is also a Norse name, used in the Faroese Islands) and he's raised by a Norse dwarf named Thorin. Cue wacky stuff about "how a dwarf warrior tries to cope with living in the modern world, where swords are museum pieces, and how orcs, halflings and elves are treated by modern 21st century humans".

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