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Live Blogs Blog of the Slightly Damned
TotemicHero2012-11-17 16:14:42

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Another week off, and now back with more Slightly Damned!

Page 56:

Rhea is all like "Iratu, I can explain..." while Buwaro...eats Iratu's letter. No, really, he does.

Good luck explaining that.

Iratu demonstrates his roaring skills again, and the chase is on! But before they can run too far, Iratu jumps clean over their heads and lands in front of them.

He then proceeds to whip his tail at Rhea, who barely dodges it twice (maybe it's not very effective).

Either way, they're really in trouble.

Page 57:

Iratu wheels around, then pounces at Rhea. Rhea, desperate, tries her Earth Spike spell, hoping it will stop Iratu.

Iratu hits the spike head on, stopping his lunge. Rhea sighs with Iratu swipes through the spike with his claws.

Damn, those are sharp. Rhea agrees, basically having yet another Oh, Crap! moment. She gets those a lot, doesn't she?

And yes, that's the whole strip. Action-y strips are shorter to summarize, get used to it.

Page 58:

Iratu then holds his claws over his head, and they glow.

Rhea asks what is that. Buwaro, demonstrating that he actually has brains, recognizes this glow and calls for them to leave now.

But before they can leave, Iratu slams his glowing claws down, driving down on the ground until it splits. (Ugh, I just made two Pokemon references in one blog post.)

The shockwave he creates travels forwards, catches up with Rhea and Buwaro, and sends them flying.

Don't mess with Iratu, man.

Page 59:

We now cut to Cerebrus. The green head is doing a "...", and the other responds by claiming that he is not worried, and just wondering if those two will get back before dark.

Nice to know he's really a softy.

Darkness then falls, and the red head concludes they won't make it...just as Rhea and Buwaro show up, running for their lives.

Of course, Cerebrus's brains getting half the blood a normal brain gets, he can't figure out why they are running, even with the resounding booming footsteps of Iratu.

Of course, he/they get a rude wakeup when Iratu slams the Hell gate's door right into the red head. Interestingly enough, due to this being poorly drawn, the artist put a little caption under the comic explaining that's what happened. Fair enough, I guess.

Page 60:

Well, I guess they made it out okay, because they are both now back at Sakido's little hideway.

Rhea proceeds to rant at Sakido about the climb, the failure to warn them of Iratu's hangovers, and...

Sakido interrupts, claiming that demons don't get hangovers. Uh...okay?

She then begins to explain that different demons react differently to alcohol. Apparently earth demons sleep it off, with water demons she doesn't know, and fire demons explode.

Never give Buwaro booze, please.

Rhea, curious, asks about wind demons. Sakido's response is to shudder, and demand the letter. Rhea, of course, makes a note about changing the subject. Fair enough, considering Buwaro ate the letter.

Will Buwaro's digestive system preserve the letter? Do wind demons have extreme flatulence if they drink alcohol? Did Iratu kill Cerberus? Stay tuned.

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