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Live Blogs Blog of the Slightly Damned
TotemicHero2012-12-10 16:10:10

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Well then, let's pick up where we left off! Slightly Damned awaits!

Page 71:

Rhea, having tackled Buwaro, boasts about how she used to do this sort of game all the time. She decides that she might be generous and let him have the feather back for something valuable, like, say, his star necklace.

Buwaro starts to protest, which is apparently two seconds too slow for Rhea's liking. She leaps past him and snatches the necklace, taunting him some more about how he's "still too slow".

If she wasn't female, I'd give her Sonic's VA.

Buwaro is apparently stunned. Rhea is surprised by this, and offers him back his necklace and feather...only to see that Buwaro is transforming into something a lot less ditzy and cuddly.

Oh, Crap! time!

Page 72:

Behold, Buwaro gone berserk, or as I shall call him...Berserkwaro!

And just like Rhea not giving Buwaro any time to decide about his necklace, Berserkwaro does not give Rhea any time to do anything sensible either, such as "RUN THE HELL AWAY!" or such.

Instead, he slashes, bites, and otherwise tears her apart. Yep, he killed Rhea. Yeah, and I bet you thought she was the protagonist, right?

Berserkwaro then lets out a ferocious roar. Cut to Sakido, who notes that can't possibly be Iratu.

No, it's something far, far worse.

Page 73:

Sakido decides to check up on Buwaro and Rhea. She flies over there, only to find Rhea's corpse. She then sees Berserkwaro in the distance, clawing at his own face.

She has a brief flashback of an unknown figure holding what seems to be a tiny Berserkwaro, getting clawed by him. "It's just like before..."

She shakes it off as Berserkwaro turns his attention to her. Berserkwaro responds by demonstrating that, unlike normal Buwaro, he can breath fire on command.

Sakido dodges, and then takes off in the air, readying what seems to be an electric attack of some kind. I guess that's the power of wind demons.

Page 74:

An epic battle has begun!

Sakido unleashes the lightning attack, knocking Berserkwaro down. Landing, she ponders her options, noting that if Buwaro is not helped, he will die of exhaustion.

What happened to the screwball comedy?

Berserkwaro picks himself back up, and lunges for Sakido, only to get a mouthful of rock for his trouble. Sakido has already taken off again.

Berserkwaro spins and launches himself into the air. This time, he hits Sakido with full force. Oh no!

Page 75:

Sakido is knocked sprawling. Berserkwaro turns and lunges for her again.

She concludes that Buwaro is going die regardless, she isn't about to go down herself. She kicks the charging Berserkwaro aside, then studies him, fingering her own necklace.

Suddenly, she recalls that the necklace is the key, and figures that Rhea had to be the one who took it. Berserkwaro, not aware of this sudden realization (and probably not impressed anyway), breathes more fire at her, which she dodges.

Sakido then waits for Berserkwaro to breathe fire again, then uses the distraction of having his mouth spitting flames to fly off to get back to Rhea's corpse.

Will Berserkwaro be stopped? Is Sakido really the protagonist? Do I actually know the outcome of this fight and am just trolling you all? Stay tuned.

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