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Live Blogs The Liveblog of Time: The Dragon Reborn
Eegah2012-06-22 18:19:57

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Chapter 34: A Different Dance

After a horrifically awkward scene of Perrin walking in on Moiraine nude, he heads down to dinner and learns that Masema has reached Ghealdan and is telling everyone about Rand. But enough of that, because Perrin heads outside and frees the Aiel, Gaul, who says they’re also searching for Rand thanks to their own prophecy, just as a group of Whitecloaks arrive. Gaul gets a Crowning Moment Of Awesome killing most of them with his bare hands, while the others let Perrin add to his Whitecloak body count. Gaul runs off, after Perrin tells him to look in Tear. After another encounter with the girl, Lan finds Perrin and starts their plan to leave.

So there’s another character the girls are bound to meet when they get to Tear. I’m expecting to see a lot more of Gaul, at any rate. And I kind of love how the Whitecloaks have now officially become nothing more than cannon fodder, randomly popping up just so they can be wiped out.

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