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Alfric2011-12-17 11:27:43

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Like Shooting Fish in a Barrel...

Only instead of a barrel it's body armor, instead of fish it's enemy soldiers, and instead of a gun, it's the very air they breathe lacerating them. So... nothing like shooting fish in a barrel.

Chapter 4 - Roadside Battle: Finished

Ike: Provided Soren with cover, alongside Gatrie and Titania at the beginning, to hold off the first wave of foes. He smacked around any lancemen who thought they were clever by attacking a swordsman, and then once the first wave of foes was down, Ike and Soren took to luring out foes. Ike baited archers and lancemen as Soren waited a safe distance away, luring them out of reach of their allies to be finished off in safety by either one of the duo. This continued until the final foe was defeated and Maijin decided to get off his ass and move.

Soren: Blasted away at foes in relative safety, and gained a fair mount of levels, though he is still far behind Ike. They lured out foes, which Ike softened up for Soren to kill, assuming Ike didn't kill them outright s they attacked him. After the last enemy fell, Maijin began moving, and Soren stood to face him.

Maijin:Fought Soren. He never actually hit, instead tossing javelins that struck only air as Soren tore him apart with Wind.

VS Maijin: The enemy commander approached, javelin at the ready as he looked at the boy in front of him.

"A mage, eh? I'll have to keep my guard up around you, no matter how young you look."

At least this man had enough caution to recognize the type of threat Soren posed, though had he acted sooner in the battle, perhaps he wouldn't be alone in this knowledge.

"You forced this combat. We cannot allow you to return home. Are you ready to die?"

Oh well. So foolish a leader deserves an equivalent death.

The man threw his javelin, aiming for Soren's torso, but so predictable a strike was easily dodged. A small ring of bladed wind struck the man in the side of the knee, throwing off his balance as it coiled into his armor and ripped into his skin. The second blade was aimed for his dominant right arm, just below the shoulder, and when the limb went limp and the javelin he held fell to the ground, Soren knew he had won. His foe, his sight no doubt hazy, drew another javelin with his left arm, but his lack of balance and his forced usage of his off-hand threw off his already poor aim, and Soren didn't even need to move to avoid the projectile. He then called forth a third and fourth blade of air, ending the fight by crippling the mans remaining limbs and letting him contemplate his failure before the blood loss set in. Soren returned to Ike's side as Rhys called to the group from the nearby forest.

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