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Live Blogs Let's Play All Four Sly Cooper games.
MadWritter2011-08-15 13:59:26

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The Raccoon, The Fox, The Lizard And The Hippo

  • Cooper Family Recording: 12050
  • Subject: Sly Cooper

After of bit of training, Sly and Bentley head off to Bentley. They learn that Murray was in Venice — and decide to see what's up at the Police HQ. Sly make his way up to the top of the police station and then with help with Bentley crawled to the jail cell.

Instead of Murray, it was ex-Klaww gang member, Dimitri. Sly cut him a deal — and decide to play decoy for Dimitri's escape. Dimitri told that key is in head lady office. Sly noticed the head lady as she crawled around the area — Miss Carmelita Fox, his long-time Interpol agent.

As soon as he grab the key, the lights went on the buggy as a present day computer — Sly make sure that he was under a desk when the light turn on — and slowly make his way back to Dimitri's cages - unlocking one of the locks — and then turning the dial of the other lock — freezing Dimitri.

He soon face Miss Fox again — which result in her shooting and chasing fox yet again — he meet up with Murray and enter the sewer — escaping Miss Fox and learningng that Murray can't leave Venice until the black water runs pure.

Recorded by: Hermes/Mercury

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