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Live Blogs Let's Play All Four Sly Cooper games.
MadWritter2013-08-13 14:33:28

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This is End For Now: Part #3

This file doesn't have a number. I just listing the aftermath for the other characters in evolved in Sly's last thieving capers.

  • Richoci kept up both his ninja thieving jump and his sushi jump. His thieving were never discover but his sushi shop become famous though out Japan.
  • El Jefe is still in jail — though in a South American prison, and given a job of rolling cigars — but it was legal for him to smoke them there — much to his annoyance.
  • TKC recovered his gold and become more legendary as he started to steal from only crooked law name
  • Toothpick ended up in a chain gang working on the railroad, went deaf and ended up dying by train running him over,.
  • Caveman Cooper (a.k.a Bob) kept up his physical training and returned to his role as egg thief for his tribe.
  • The Grizz stated a rap career and painted his follow prisoners.
  • Sir Galleth went back to his heroic adventures and found the Knights of the Cooper Order and come a successfully large ham of actor.
  • Penelope was sent to largest maxi um security prison. She escaped them. She is still at large. Bentley had been some mysterious postcards.
  • Salim went to retirement and took a long nap. He dream up a idea. He packed his camel around time and sell snacks to hungry citizen. It was successful.
  • After being lock up, Ms. D decided on some changes. He had the trumpet remove, went to angry management classes and decide to teach music to other prisoner. She will be up for parole for good behavior soon.
  • Dimitri went back to his scuba-diving business and still ranking in the money. In has his own TV show called: "Disco Diver".


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