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Live Blogs Nothing is Sacred Anymore! Let's MST A Fanfic: LOVE, BULLETS AND IMMORTALITY
sanityisoverrated2011-06-07 05:45:33

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Chapter 10: Guess Who's Back (Back Again)?

...and when you're dying I'll be still-oh, sorry, I'm back I suppose. Sorry for being gone for some time, I had exams piling on me like God knows what.

So...we're, what, half-way through this story now? This really is going to be the end of me, I swear. *sigh* So! Let's get cracking!


Our chapter begins with Sonic being tortured, and Conor asking why Sonic didn't fight - to which we get the typical hero response of 'to get my brainwashed friends to realise they are still good inside', except not as well put:

"Sonic could barley talk: them... there's still...good in them."

Wait a tic, that is actually well put. What? Anyway, yeah, don't you just love this random occassional use of script format? It's almost as if, you know, the guy wanted to write it like that but has a rule againt it.

So, Conor is displeased by our hero's resistance and also that he didn't fight:

"Open your eyes ya stupid bastard they work for me so now your here for nothing and I don't get the joy of watching you try and fight but no you stood there and took it well now let's catch up on lost time Conor said with and evil grin."

I, but, what? Huh? Argh! So, to translate, he's saying:

"Open your eyes, you stupid bastard! They work for me now. I wanted to watch you try and fight your old friends, but no, you decided to take your beating and now you're here. I guess we'll just have to make up for lost time..."

See? It took me, what, a thirty seconds to write that - and it is fairly better than what the author wrote.

Whatever, let's continue. Conor gives Sonic to Amy and Blaze and...leaves. Twice.

"I didn't even begin have fun he left with a smirk.

Conor threw Sonic onto the bed and left."

So, in a surprising twist to the usual way this setting works, Amy and Blaze patch Sonic up...before putting him to sleep and chaining him up. Also, whipped cream has been applied to Sonic's body. Sonic tries to take out Conor as he appears which is met by Conor pulling away and allowing Blaze and Amy to have their way.

Author's Note: OK if you wondering why I used whipped cream I thought I did the whole regular sex thing so I tried to be creative and did this the next chapter will continue on I would do it now but not in the mood.

Yes. Creative. This is what we need. To bad you have about as much creativity as a rock. Or Stephanie Meyers. Or that one Harry Potter fanfic writer.

Also, if you aren't in the mood to write a lemon, return to the chapter later. I'm all for not making your fans wait, which you have a surprising amount of by the way, but, seriously, there's almost no need for a lemon chapter. But I digress...


Lemon happens. Sonic tries to stop it from happening. He fails. Also, a part that actually was almost funny:

"You could always let me go Sonic said.

This discussion is about you it doesn't concern you Amy said."

Next chapter.


The chapter begins with Bunny, some guards and Silver (What?) fixing the damage done during battle. Everyone is here really: Knuckles, Shadow, Antoine (minus accent) and even Uncle Chuck. So, they are planning to take down Conor and who should walk in but Espio. I'm...not even being sarcastic, I could see this happening, Espio became more involved with the Freedom Fighters and New Mobotropolis after the whole destruction of Knothole Arc, which kind of meant to take place after...I think?

So, Espio has intel that Conor is planning to take the Master Emerald and Chaos Emeralds...which Knuckles remains surprisingly calm about. Thus, Bunnie, of all people, decides to go and try to rescue Sonic in the midst of this plan that Conor has, though you may not realise due to the way its written:

"Hmm Ok so that's that then and finally who can get to Sonic? asked Shadow.

Me I'll go and join them and find out where they keep him and then tomorrow I'll come back."

The second talker is Bunnie.

Antoine and Bunnie share a quick moment which, again, means this probably takes place after Knothole was destroyed. In any case, it was surprisingly in-character for this story. Quite a few surprises here actually, is our author getting better at his? Probably not, but I remain hopeful. For now.

Until next time, later everybody!

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