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Live Blogs Close shut the jaws of insanity... or don't. Let's Play TESIV: Oblivion!
Shlapintogan2011-04-02 08:05:31

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Pirates vs Ninjas, who wins? Firedoom.

Okay, I don't really think I got anything out of that. Oh well, maybe slaughtering an entire ship full of pirates will help that.

To the waterfront, awaaaaaaaay!

Oh wow, it's raining... and it's nighttime. No one's going to see my masterful work in these conditions. Better wait until later.

Wait: twelve hours

Man, you would not believe how many people just run about stabbing themselves in the genitals at night. Those are some crazy parties, I tell you.

Anyway, I can tell I must be at the right ship. I can hear lame-ass pirate songs and there's lame-ass pirates standing around telling me to stay way from their lame-ass pirate ship. There's also lame-ass pirate drunks just lying down in the streets like they own the place... Oh wait, that one's dead. Wow, they even leave their lame-ass pirate corpses out in the open. People are going to catch diseases.

Okay, I'm not, probably, but other people who I don't... care... about... Nevermind, just put 'em anywhere. Help eradicate the morons so the intelligent alphas can flourish. Aw great, there are people outside the ship. I was kinda hoping I could kick down the door of the captain's quarters and have an awesome one on one swashbuckling fight with that jerk, but nooooooooo, we have to ruin Lord Death Firedoom's day by being in the way. Man, I guess I'll have to take the sneaky route. I don't feel like having cutlasses embedded in my shoulders.

Hey, it feels like the crate's being loaded. They really didn't notice me walk casually by and get in the crate, did they? Wow, pirates are getting dumber and dumber. It used to be you had to actually be afraid of pirates out on the open ocean because they could, y'know, actually do something. But now they just suck.

Okay, let's see... cargo hold, crews' quarters, sexist crew... Ah, captain's quarters.

I wasn't able to take any screenshots of the fight between the captain and myself, but trust me when I say it basically boiled down to "I shot him a couple of times and he died."

Well let's see, we got some crappy clothes, a key, some purple stuff... OH HELL YES, a copy of The Lusty Argonian Maid. Tussaud, you dirty man, you. Honestly, this is Argonian porn, not lame-ass pirate porn. I'm glad I reclaimed this, you wouldn't have known how to use it.

There's some knocking at the door

Oh shit, they're on to me. Time to go out this conveniently placed back door that uses the key I just found. Man, people need to stop facilitating my escapes from whatever kinds of traps they're trying to put me in. I mean, damn people, it's not hard. If you want to kill me you just grow a damn brain. Whatever, out I go, and hey, while I'm at it, those two at the front of the boat? Dead now. And I got two pieces of... some plant. Don't think it's too important, but hey, might as well.

For those of you who haven't played this game, the plant is Nirnroot, and it's used in a quest. A quest I won't be doing. Anyway, back to Cheydinhal

Hey, fang-face, what's shakin'? Oh that? Yeah, I did it. Pay up. Aw what? A ring? That's it? You suck, guy. Whatever, what's my next assignment?

Oh, that actually sounds kinda fun. I guess I'll do it when I've got the time. It's a wood elf? Well, knock that one up two notches on my priorities list. I hate elves. Just gotta use some trophy he's got up on his wall directly over his favorite reading spot. It's official, people have lost all survival instinct and I need to euthanize them all so that the ones that still have it can replace the damaged goods. And I apparently have to do it exactly that way, or no reward. Hey, I can dig it, you guys want to be all mysterious and not have anyone know you exist and all that stupid crap. I'll do it later, I guess.

Right now, I should probably... Hell, I don't know, I'm going to sit down and think about it. I'll get back to you on my plans.

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