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Live Blogs Not-So-Secret... A-gent Sim! Let's Play MySims Agents!
Nyperold2010-12-26 10:30:08

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Zomday His Prints Will Come!

ROOK: I returned to the scene. I saw a jar of jam that I could use to get footprints. The top was stuck, so I used my F-Space Manipulator... to just whack it.

Isn't technology wonderful?

ROOK: Yeah, but... I kinda miss the crowbar, y'know? Anyway, I went over to Carl.

ROOK: I'm hungry, Carl. Can you make me something?

CARL: Certainly. It would be my pleasure. How about a sandwich?

ROOK: That sounds great! Thanks, Carl.

ROOK: He went over to make the sandwich, and wouldn't you know it, his prints matched. I decided to speak to him about it.

ELMIRA: Glow sticks? How I hate dancing and frivolity! I think I'll just stand over here, tap my foot in disapproval, and practice my sour facial expression.

RENÉE: The detour went right through the mud and the pigs loved it! We're making great time.

ROOK: Your footprints put you at the crime scene.

CARL: Well, yes. I'm often in there to clean the crystal or just to check on it.

ROOK: You're one of the few suspects with access to the crystal. You certainly had opportunity to smash the crystal!

(singing) A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun...

ROOK: Hush!

CARL: But I didn't! I would never smash the crystal! Why would I want to destroy something I've been protecting for years?

ROOK: I'm not sure. It does seem out of character, but this doesn't look good for you, Carl.

ROOK: I decided to ask around about why Carl might've done it. One look at Violet told me she wasn't going to be helpful, so I went to see...

ROOK: Trevor! I could use your help.

TREVOR: Is the investigation going well, my good detective?

ROOK: I think I've got a suspect, but I'm just not sure about the motive.

TREVOR: Motive?! Why, if you need to search deep into the hearts of your audience, the only way is to put on a play!


TREVOR: Indeed! A reenactment of the crime for all to see!

ROOK: Thanks Trevor. That's option!

ROOK: Well, a play needs costumery, so I asked Ms. Nicole.

By the way, in the original My Sims, Ms. Nicole was Shirley's sister. If the same is true here, then Ms. Nicole would be Derek's mother, or another aunt.

ROOK: Interesting.

ROOK: Can you help me make a costume?

MS. NICOLE: Why of course I can, darling! I always bring a sewing kit with me! A costume of whom, exactly?

ROOK: Of Cyrus, if possible.

MS. NICOLE: Certainly, but I'll need some fabric. If you could find me something purple, I could make you Cyrus's favorite tuxedo.

ROOK: I'll see what I can find, Ms. Nicole.

ROOK: I went from room to room, looking for suitable fabric. I finally found purple curtains in the crystal room! I took some...

SAPPHIRE: Omigosh so I know Zack and Candy wouldn't do this to me because they are the best friends since ever, but somebody nearby must have walked off with my hyper-fluoro-chemiluminescent glow sticks!

WOLFAH: Woof! Yip yip woof!

ROOK: ...that sounded hopeful — and delivered it to Ms. Nicole.

ROOK: Here's some cloth!

MS. NICOLE: Well, it's not exactly Italian silk, but I suppose I can whip something up!

ROOK: She finished quickly, and handed the finished product back.

MS. NICOLE: Here you go, darling — one tuxedo that just screams: "I'm wearing a tuxedo!"

A tuxedo wearing a tuxedo?

ROOK: No... I figured I'd also need a fake moustache, so I went to Trevor.

ROOK: What do you know about fake moustaches?

TREVOR: I know that if you're trying to impersonate a man who doesn't have a moustache, wearing a fake one to do so is quite a ridiculous thing to do!

ROOK: Well, this man does.

TREVOR: Oh, then: on my way in, I spied some wispyweed out in the swamp. That would certainly make for a fine mustachio...of wonders!

ROOK: Okay. Mustachio of wonders. Got it.

ROOK: I went out into the swamp to harvest some. I found three suitable pieces. The final ingredient: some white powder for a ghostly pallor. I found some in a crate in the kitchen. I went to Trevor.

ROOK: I'm ready!

TREVOR: Indeed! You've a tuxedo, a grand moustache, and a sack of flour to give you that ghostly pallor. Now...let us launch our ruse, wherein we'll catch the conscience of the crowd!

ROOK: I got Buddy ready, and went to the foot of the stairs.

ROOK: Attention, everyone! Could everyone gather around please?

ROOK: The guests and butler did so.

GORDON: What's this all about, Rook?

ROOK: Buddy and I have been investigating the mansion, and we would like to hold a little reenactment.

MS. NICOLE: You have some insight into what happened to the fortunite?

ROOK: Yes. Using scientific investigation methods, we've discovered some clues that have allowed us to recreate the events of the crime as accurately as possible.

ROOK: I cleared the impromptu stage, and Buddy came on, disguised as Cyrus. Oddly, he had no flour on his skin, but all over the clothing.

BUDDY: Hiya, pals! I'm Cyrus' ghost. Woooooooooooooooooo!!!

Heh, his icon is disguised.

TREVOR: I'm playing the part of the fortunite!

MS. NICOLE: Rook! What have you done to the suit I made you?!

ROOK: Sorry, Ms. Nicole. Solving mysteries is messy work sometimes.

MS. NICOLE: Sorry? Whatever for, darling? I love it! I will call this new look "Spirit, by Nicole!"

ROOK: Um...okay. Let's just proceed with the reenactment.

BUDDY: Wow, you sure are valuable, fortunite crystal! I'd sure better give you to somebody else now that I'm dead and stuff.


ROOK: He hammed up a death scene as Gordon booed, then got up, bowed, and left the stage.

BUDDY: Oh no, pal! My crystal! Good thing my ghost was here and I saw who did it. It was... YOUUUUUUU!

ROOK: Carl started weeping.

BUDDY: The end!

GORDON: That was the second worst play I've ever seen in my life.

Hey, you got a Cyrus suit.

ROOK: Don't expect me to wear it.

And new dispatch missions! We'll check those out when the outstanding ones are done.

ROOK: Right. I went to tell Zoe.

ROOK: I've solved the case!

ZOE: Wonderful, chere. Do tell!

ROOK: We gathered everyone again: Zoe, Buddy, and me at the top of the stairs, and everyone else at the bottom.

ZOE: Attention, everyone. Our friend here has some important news for all of you.

ROOK: The investigation has been going well. We followed a number of leads, and we've come to a conclusion... it looks like Carl smashed the fortunite crystal.

ROOK: Everyone was shocked... including Carl!

GORDON: It was the zombie!

TREVOR: I have starred in twenty-seven different plays where "The Butler Didit"...How did I not see this coming?!

CARL: NO!! I...I wouldn't! Cyrus was my friend!

ZOE: Carl! I am shocked at this betrayal. You have destroyed a priceless treasure and ruined everyone's evening.

CARL: Why won't you listen? Oh, what's the use...

ROOK: He ran for the kitchen.


ROOK: She followed.

ROOK: Buddy, I'll be right back.

ROOK: I followed them.

BUDDY: So, do we have dinner now, or...?

ZOE: Now we say "Good night." I am sorry to have wasted all of your time. Thank you for bringing this terrible matter to a close.

ROOK: In the kitchen...

CARL: Violet, you know it wasn't me. Cyrus and I have been friends since before the Nightmare Crown incident.

VIOLET: I know, Carl.

ROOK: I came in about this time.

CARL: To think of all the research Cyrus and the others did...all they sacrificed. And now...

VIOLET: Carl, it's not your fault!

ROOK: He left via the dumbwaiter. I was dumbfounded!

VIOLET: Rook, you don't really believe that Carl destroyed the fortunite, do you?

ROOK: Hold up a second — How on earth did Carl just use that dumbwaiter?! I couldn't get anywhere with it!

VIOLET: Oh, he has some special trick for it... I'm sure if you fiddled with the dumbwaiter's gears you could get it working again.

ROOK: So if I go up in the dumbwaiter, I'll find Carl?

VIOLET: Probably, but this is a very old house. It's filled with secret passages, you know.

ROOK: Really...interesting... alright, Violet, I'm going to keep investigating.

I decided to try the "fiddle with gears" thing first. After getting it working, I used it, and found myself above the foyer. Through a nearby door, I found Carl's room. And... Carl!

PINKY: OK, Quiz time! What color are sapphires?

ROOK: I chose blue rather than red.

RENÉE: Phew! We made it to the movies with time to spare! OK, time for some popcorn and slop.

ROOK: So now what's left is for the glow stick case to be solved. But back to my part.

ROOK: Carl, why did you break the crystal?

CARL: I don't know, Rook. To be honest, I don't even remember breaking it!

ROOK: How can you not remember? Your hammer was used and your footprints are all over the room!

CARL: I just haven't been sleeping well lately. It's those voices.

ROOK: Whoa whoa whoa. Tell me about the voices.

CARL: They're like whispers...I hear them at night. It's like the moon is telling me things. Things about Cyrus and fortunite.

ROOK: And where do there voices come from, Carl?

CARL: At first, I thought it was coming from my heating vent. But now I know — they're coming from inside my head!

ROOK: Carl, tell me about that vent. I'd like to check it out.

CARL: Oh, it comes into my room through the rafters. It goes almost all the way up to the roof.

ROOK: I decided it would be worth my time to investigate. On my way, I found a crate with statues of armor, another with a couple of vases...

PINKY: You win! Yay! Of course sapphires are blue. They're the best gem in the world! It's no wonder that Sapphire is named after them!

ROOK: ...and another with video games! Near that last crate was a vent... the vent that was used to carry voice to Carl's room! Also, I found a feather that looked... familiar. I decided to consult with Ms. Nicole once I got down.

ROOK: Ms. Nicole, do you recognize this feather?

MS. NICOLE: Yes of course! Those old things? They must belong to Madame Zoe.

ROOK: To Madame Zoe I went.

ROOK: I'd like to ask you a few more questions.

ZOE: Certainly, mon chere! Whatever I can do to wrap up this case quickly and forever.

ROOK: Do you have any other supernatural hobbies?

ZOE: I do dabble in the satisfying art of hypnosis.

ROOK: Oh, but I'm sure your skills have limits. You couldn't hypnotize me if I was unwilling, could you?

ZOE: Nonsense! My craft has been passed down by the ancients into my able hands! There is no task I cannot perform.

ROOK: Wow! Could you hypnotize me into committing a crime? Hypothetically, I mean.

ZOE: Yes! I can even do that!...Although, I never actually would do that, of course.

ROOK: Mmhmm. Thank you, Zoe.

ROOK: I went into the crystal room for further investigation. A close examination of the clock revealed that while the clock's hands were stopped, something was happening inside. I went on a spare part hunt.

SAPPHIRE: Omigosh they've narrowed down the suspects to totally two people: Dr. F, who glows green when he leaves his lab at night, and Yuki who is kind of a klepto. Who should we focus on?

ROOK: I chose Dr. F, and got back to work. Once I collected enough parts, I went back to the clock. When I fixed the clock, the fireplace turned once. A secret passageway! I entered it.

SAPPHIRE: So we waited for Dr. F to come out of his lab and he was totally glowing green! But it wasn't from my glow sticks because it was actually just intense amounts of gamma radiation.

ROOK: There were certainly plenty of places to use F-space! I found some notes about the crystal, and a locked trunk. Of course, I picked it, and found... a bunch of fortunite crystals?! That didn't seem likely.

ROOK: Roxie, can you analyze these crystals? I want to know if they're real fortunite.

ROXIE: Every crystal sample is coming back negative. Those crystals are definitely not fortunite, Rook.

ROOK: This made me wonder about the one in the crystal room. I rotated some stairs and left through the fireplace into... the dining room. I went back to the crystal room.

TRAVIS: Yeah, I've got a glow stick app for my cellphone, but man, it really kills the battery.

ROOK: Roxie, I've got another fortunite sample for you to analyze.

ROXIE: Another fake, Rook! There's no fortunite in that sample.

ROOK: That clinches it. The crime was a setup. I went to see Violet.

ROOK: I've solved the case!

VIOLET: Wonderful! Let's gather everyone and settle this once and for all...

ROOK: We all gathered in the foyer again.

MS. NICOLE: Darling, what are we doing here. I thought this matter was settled.

ZOE: Yes. So did I. completely settled.

ROOK: Exactly the way you wanted it to look, Madame Zoe... since you are the one who told Carl to destroy the fortunite.

ZOE: What?! That's ridiculous! You can't prove it!!

ROOK: I can and will.


ROOK: ... Here's what really happened. We know that Carl broke the crystal with his silver hammer, but Zoe forced him to do it. We found one of Zoe's feathers outside of a vent in the attic. It was the perfect place to whisper hypnotic suggestions down to Carl while he slept.

CARL: So I was just sleepwalking! But... I still destroyed Cyrus' crystal!

BUDDY: Not necessarily...

ROOK: We found a secret passage in the mansion that was hiding a trunk. It was full of fake crystals. Using that same secret passage, Zoe snuck into the crystal room and swapped the real fortunite with one of the fakes... and then hypnotized Carl into doing the dirty work.

CARL: So that means...I only destroyed a fake?!

BUDDY: Yup! The real fortunite crystal is perfectly safe.

ROOK: Isn't it, Madame Zoe?

ZOE: Hmph. Very clever, Rook. Here's the real crystal.

ROOK: She reluctantly handed it over.

GORDON: Incredible! But how did you come to suspect Madame Zoe?

ROOK: I knew something didn't feel right as soon as Buddy and I arrived. We were promised dinner and the will reading, but Zoe was surprisingly eager to get everyone into the crystal room.

BUDDY: She knew that as soon as everyone saw the smashed crystal, they would lose interest and go home, right pal?

ROOK: Exactly, Buddy. She wanted everyone gone so she could keep the crystal and the mansion to herself.

TREVOR: Then she must have suspected that she wouldn't inherit the estate!

ROOK: In fact, I'll bet she knew. Maybe Zoe peeked into the fortunite a little early to see who would be named in the will. Only you didn't like what you saw, did you, Zoe? Would you please hand your uncle's will to Buddy?

ROOK: She handed that over reluctantly, as well.

BUDDY: Let's see..."I, Cyrus Boudreaux, being of sound mind, do hereby entrust the entirety of my estate... to Miss Violet Nightshade!"


TREVOR: WOE!! The cruel ladies of fate have left poor Trevor empty-handed yet again!

ZOE: Congratulations, Violet. You can keep the house and that miserable crystal. There must be more fortunite out there somewhere... and I'm going to find it!

ROOK: She ran off!


VIOLET: It's okay, Buddy. I don't think we'll see her again. Rook, thank you so much for all you've done. May I walk you out to your jet?

ROOK: Carl led us out.

VIOLET: I trust you can all see yourselves out?

GORDON: I'm going to go ahead and file this as the worst' dinner party ever.

ROOK: Outside...

ROOK: There is still one thing I haven't figured out. What is the connection between your family and Cyrus?

VIOLET: I suppose there's no harm in telling you. My mother and Cyrus were good friends. My sister and I used to play here all the time when we were younger.

AWWWWWWWWWWWW! So cuuuuuuute!

ROOK: ...What?

Look. (Nyperold shows her the picture. It depicts Mrs. Nightshade and Cyrus with a yellow beverage, possibly lemonade, in glasses. Not too far into the background? Violet and Poppy when they were little.)

ROOK: Awwww, how precious!

BUDDY: That's why you refer to him as uncle Cyrus?

VIOLET: Yes, he was like family. But there was more... he and mother were both part of a special project... a group that researched the properties of the fortunite.

ROOK: The same group that made the Crown of Nightmares?

CARL: Yes! I'm surprised you've heard of it. Cyrus and the others worked very hard to keep that a secret.

VIOLET: That crown is evil. It can do terrible things!

CARL: I'm unliving proof of that! The first time it was used, I was turned into the miserable creature you see before you.

VIOLET: And one of the other scientists, Paul, was transformed into a monster!

BUDDY: Yeah. Hey, so can we keep your fortunite?

VIOLET: What?!

ROOK: Let me, Buddy... Violet, Morcubus is after the Crown of Nightmares. We think he's been trying to manufacture his own fortunite.

VIOLET: Morcubus? I remember him from the lab. He was terrible to us...

ROOK: We heard he was in a fight with the others in the group.

VIOLET: Oh, yes! Once they realized how dangerous the Nightmare Crown was, they pledges to destroy it. Morcubus was furious. He wanted to keep the crown for himself.

BUDDY: Why does he need the fortunite?

CARL: I think it was supposed to focus the energy that went into the crown. It was part of what gave the crown its power.

ROOK: Violet, if you let us keep the fortunite, we promise to do everything we can to keep it safe.

VIOLET: Well, you helped Carl even when the evidence was stacked against him. I think I can trust you. But be careful. Morcubus cannot be allowed to get the crown.''

ROOK: But what if he just makes his own crown?

VIOLET: He can't. Maybe he could make a powerful enough crystal to replace the fortunite... but the crown is unique.

ROOK: So he can't do anything unless he finds the actual crown. Do you know where it is?

CARL: No one knows. Cyrus only led the research on the fortunite. The actual crown was created by Dr. Gray.

BUDDY: Evelyn's dad!

CARL: But he disappeared, and the Nightmare Crown disappeared with him.

VIOLET: Keep the crystal safe, Rook, and don't underestimate Morcubus.

ROOK: Thank you, Violet.

BUDDY: Take care, guys!

ROOK: They went back to the mansion, and we flew back to HQ.

BUDDY: Well, that sure was an interesting bunch. And I'm really glad I met Carl. I've never saw a real zombie before! He's actually a really nice guy. You know, for a shambling undead monstrosity.

You got a fortunite replica for your trophy case! And there are new recruits available: Trevor, Gordon, Zoe, Ms. Nicole, Carl, and Violet. There's a jacket, surfing outfits, and swimwear in your Derobeinator, and a couple of new dispatch missions!

BUDDY: Well, we got the crystal, but how are we going to find the actual crown?

EVELYN: My father's journal hasn't given me any clues on what we're looking for...and I've nearly read it cover to cover!

ROOK: Hmmm...if Morcubus finds out that we got to the fortunite, he'll redouble his efforts to get the Nightmare Crown.

BUDDY: What if he's already searching for it?

ROOK: Hey, he might be! Let's see in Morcu Corp has any new "projects" in the city. It might point us in the right direction.

EVELYN: That's a brilliant idea!

BUDDY: To the internet!

JENNY: I've got something. It looks like a new MUBA shop just opened up on the boardwalk.

BUDDY: What's a "MUBA" shop?

JENNY: It's a SCUBA shop. but it's owned and operated by Morcu Corp!

ROOK: ... Morcu Corp SCUBA..."MUBA". These guys aren't even trying anymore.

EVELYN: What's Morcubus looking for at the beach?

ROOK: I don't know. We should go check it out. Feel like taking a trip to the beach, Buddy?

BUDDY: YES! Boardwalk food! I'm gonna get a a turkey-on-a-fork!''

JENNY: Oh, sure, you guys go to the beach. Lots of hard work to do at the beach. I'll just sit behind this desk!

ROOK: Jenny, why don't you take the rest of the day off and hit the beach?

JENNY: Thanks, but I need the rest of the day off to update my blog. Have fun, though!


ROOK: Evelyn, keep searching for clues in your father's journal. There's got to be something we can use. Buddy, let's catch the next train to the boardwalk!

ROOK: I changed to the cutest swimsuit I could find: a light blue, greenish-brown, and pink top that parted in the middle, and light blue bottoms. There were also beads around my wrist and waist, and pink flip-flops on my feet.

Well, that is a cute swimsuit, but... say, Rook... where's your bellybutton?

ROOK: ...My what, now?

Bellybutton. Sort of like a hole or knot? It's generally on the tummy?

ROOK: I don't think I have one. I've never seen or heard of them.

Come to think of it, I didn't see one on Sapphire, either.

ROOK: Umm... right. I'm just gonna talk to Roxie now. Hello Roxie.

ROXIE: ARGH!! Now the beach? Rook, I... I don't think I can handle this job anymore.

ROOK: It'll be OK, Roxie.

ROXIE: Do you think you could go to a hermetically sealed retreat for your next mission?

ROOK: I asked Jenny for a debriefing.

JENNY: I heard that all the pigs really enjoyed the movie. Here are the rewards for a job well done.

(Renée is now available! Also, now there's a headset in my Agent gear, and square glasses in Makeover Mirror!)

ROOK: I hung around a while longer, waiting for that last mission.

SAPPHIRE: Omigosh, so it really was Dr. F who took my glow sticks but then it turns out he only wanted to install cold fusion reactors in them and now they'll glow for 3 billion years! Yay!

JENNY: Sapphire is so pleased with the way the team helped her with her glowstick problem. Like, OMG', I think she's got another one for us.''

(Strawberry clothing! No, not clothing for strawberries, but clothing with a strawberry motif. And, a new mission!)

(The new missions are:

GONK: Gonk Hungry. Gonk lose track of time teaching Bobaboo to poke rock with stick. You send food? Or send team to help Gonk get food?

4 stars. 20 minutes. Nature/Athletic. New Object and Recruit.

  • Magical Assistant

Marlon: Being the royal wizard is hard work! I just don't have enough time for all my Kingdom Pals — I mean magical... research. I need an apprentice! Perhaps a search committee could be formed to help me find one?

3 stars. 20 minutes. Charismatic/Paranormal. New Object and Dispatch Mission.

(For those who don't know, "Kingdom Pals" are toy animals. Maybe I should've blogged My Sims and My Sims Kingdom first...)

  • Red Buddy

SAPPHIRE: Heya, Rook. My energy drink company is testing a new sports product we call "Red Buddy." Think you can, like, send over some taste testers?

3 stars. 15 minutes. Paranormal/Athletic. New Outfits, Object, and Trophy.

THE AMAZING DARYL: My competitor, the nefarious Beigestone, has figured out the secret to my exploding bellhop trick! I need help devising a new illusion that will take the magic world by storm!

3 stars. 20 minutes. Paranormal/Smarts. New Outfits.

  • Reagent Run

WENDALYN: I'm running out of reagents for the magical potion I drink that keeps me looking so yo— well, it's none of your business what it's for. But I could use some help gathering ingredients. Newt eyes don't grow on trees, you know!

2 stars. 30 minutes. Paranormal/Nature. New Outfits and Recruit.

And the new recruitables:

CARL: ''Rook, I heard your call to action and I cannot resist. Please let me help you. It's the least I can do after nearly letting Zoe get away with the fortunite crystal!

3 Paranormal, 1 Nature, 1 Smarts.

GORDON: Well, hello again, friend! I was quite impressed with your deductive reasoning during that dinner party debacle. Maybe I should challenge my own intellect as an agent?

5 Smarts.

MS. NICOLE: Darling, I've been meaning to tell you: Your agent "uniform?" Dreadful. And just look at your HQ layout!! Gasp, darling, just gasp! You need me there.

I didn't know she had an interest in building layout, but whatever. 4 Charismatic, 1 Smarts.

RENÉE: I'm Renée! I'm volunteering to protect the animals. And you better not have any bacon in that fridge of yours! Remember, pigs are for hugging, not chewing!

ROOK: Uh oh. That was part of Buddy's inspection: "Point 17: Fridge must be big enough to fit 32 pounds of bacon." I hope she doesn't check...

3 Nature, 2 Charismatic.

TREVOR: But soft, what light through yonder window breaks? It is Trevor, master of disguise. man of a thousand voices! I was born' to agent, Rook!

5 Charismatic.

VIOLET: That was impressive work back at the mansion. Perhaps I should take a more active role in protecting the world from evil men. And I'd be closer to Poppy...

3 Paranormal, 1 Natural, 1 Smarts.

ZOE: Ah, so you desire help from the all-seeing, all-knowing Madame Zoe, chere? Well it'd be a dang sight easier if someone hadn't taken my crystal!!!

4 Paranormal, 1 Smarts.

  • Missions
    • Candypaluna: **; A/S; Object, Mission
    • Episode X: **; S/P; Object, Trophy
    • Equipment Recovery: **; A/S; Outfits, Mission
    • F, Robot: ***; S/C; Outfits, Mission
    • Failing Forest: ***; N/P; Object, Paint, Recruit
    • Gonk Need Food, Badly: ****; N/A; Object, Recruit (NEW!)
    • H 4 XXOR 3 D!: ****; S/C; Object, Recruit
    • High School Yearbook: ***; C/P; Object, Mission
    • Legendary Cheese: *; A/N; Outfits, Trophy
    • Magical Assistant: ***; C/P; Object, Mission (NEW!)
    • Missing Bugs: **; N/A; Objects
    • Ol' Gabby's Mine: **; S/N; Objects
    • The Prominence: ***; P/S; Outfits (NEW!)
    • Reagent Run: **; P/N; Outfits, Recruit (NEW!)
    • Red Buddy: ***; P/A; Outfits, Object, Trophy (NEW!)
    • Roadie Despair: *; C/S; Objects, Recruit
    • The Sadness Parade: **; C/P; Outfits
    • Sewer Search: ***; S/N; Object, Trophy
    • Snack Thief: ***; S/C; Outfits, Object, Trophy
    • Tainted Broth: ***; P/N; Object, Paint, Recruit
    • The Bushido Code: ***; A/C; Outfits, Object
    • Yeti Begins: **; P/N; Objects, Paint

  • Recruits and Recruitables
    • Beebee: N,A,3C
    • Carl: 3P,N,S
    • Elmira: P,N,3S
    • Gordon: 5S
    • Leaf: 3N,2C
    • Ms. Nicole: 4C,S (NEW!)
    • Nova: 2P,N,2S
    • Pinky: P,4C
    • Preston: A,3C,S
    • Renée: 3N,2C (NEW!)
    • Roger: 5A
    • Agent Rosalyn: 2P,3S
    • Travis: 3C,2S
    • Trevor: 5C (NEW!)
    • Agent Vic: 3P,C,S
    • Violet: 3P,N,S (NEW!)
    • Wolfah: 3N,2A
    • Zoe: 4P,S (NEW!)

You may have noticed that The Sadness Parade is now OFF hold, because the character you would probably be most interested in using is here.)

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