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Live Blogs Tales from the Schlock Zone
Bismuth832017-11-03 18:38:43

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Chapter Zero: IT BEGINS!

  • To the tune of the MST3K theme*
In the kinda-distant future, XXXX CE, There was a guy named Bob Who went by Bismuth 83.

He worked at Troponic Institute, Just another face in a lab jumpsuit. He did his job well with a cheerful face But some guy was super evil and he launched him into space!

  • ME: WHERE... AM... I...*

ME: They send me awful writings: The worst they can find. I have to sit and read them all or else they'll wipe my mind.

  • Back to the narrator*
Now keep in mind he can't control where the fanfics begin or end He'll have to keep his sanity with his crossover cohost friends.


Vibri! (VBR: Feel the vibe!) Daria! (DRA: Go to hell...) Clemont! (CLM: FOR SCIENCE!) Lan! (LAN: Jack in!) Megaman.exe! (MGA: Squeeze in even MORE syllables, why don't you...) Miyu! (MYU: Please tell me that wasn't me...) Samus! (SMS: DON'T cross me.) Callie! (CAL: STAY FRESH!) Marie! (MRE: WHAT SHE SAID!) WAAAAVE! (WAV: ...losers.)

If you're wondering how he eats and breathes,

Tales from the Schlock Zone...

  • Back to the SOAP.*
ME: *Looking at a monitor* Tell me where I am, who you are, and why I'm here or else I'll..... Do something that you'll resent forever! LEF: *Maniacal laughter* You're on the Satellite of Awful Prose, or the SOAP for short! I'm Lord 'P'c'f'l, that's apostrophe-capital P-apostrophe-lowercase c-apostrophe-lowercase-f-apostrophe-lowercase l, but you can call me Lord Epic Fail, I don't mind too much. You're here as a punishment! ME: WHAT DID I DO?! LEF: Oh, deleting that thing about Megaman X7 sucking on the "Rank Inflation" page, deleting an out-of-context quote on the page for Foxcraft, and claiming that Megaman Battle Network 4 and X7's badness were only subjective! ME: Overreaction much? LEF: NO! IT'S PERFECTLY REASONABLE! ME: Yeah, whatever. What do I have to do here? LEF: You'll be reading bad fanfiction... ME: I did that back on Earth for fun. LEF: FOREVER! ME: ARE YOU MAD?! LEF: No. See? I provided you with all your stuff... *A bizarrely-carefully-placed box labeled "BISMUTH 83'S STUFF" appears out of nowhere* and you have the choice of 10 additional cohosts plus some guests if you want to take the edge off. ME: And the cohosts aren't, like, Lovecraftian monsters from another dimension that'll make me lose my sanity as soon as I look at them? LEF: No! They're fictional (in your universe, anyway) characters you'll choose from this CROSSOVER GENERATOR on your right. ME: *Looks right, sees a machine with what looks like a computer and some sort of portal built in* LEF: Go on, choose some! ME: Okay then... *Walks over to the machine, reads a sticky note with instructions on how to use it, and then types in the names of the 10 characters I want as cohosts, then presses ENTER. The machine is surprisingly quiet as it portals the characters in here.* LAN: Where... Where am I? MGA: How should I know? The PET's camera's glitching out! WAV: At least it wasn't during a race... The momentum would have killed me... SMS: Looks kinda like the Olympus... CLM: Positives: No snobbish, fashion-obsessed morons here... Negatives: I MISS MY HOME! DAR: *trademark sarcastic voice* Oh, what a horrible day. I have been whisked away from Insert-as-many-L's-in-here-as-possible-awndale High to somewhere more cerebral. VBR: This definitely isn't Planet Vib... (Note: That's what I'm calling Vibri's homeworld) CAL: What IS this place? MAR: No idea... MYU:Huh, the teleporter had the good sense NOT to teleport my Arwing. ME: Welcome aboard the SOAP. You'll be helping me commentate on horrible fan fiction. ALL: *Some variation of "WHAT?!"* LEF: THAT'S RIGHT! AND FIRST OFF THE MARK IS A HORRIBLY SAPPY SAMURAI PIZZA CATS FANFIC! ME: Oh god, NOT Samurai Pizza Cats. You couldn't get a worse dub if you gave it over to 4Kids, and they and Leo Burnett are the devil! LEF: TOO BAD! THE FANFIC'S TITLED "LOVE IN LAS VEGAS", AND IT'S WRITTEN BY SOMEONE NAMED "POLLYGIRL"! HAVE FUN! *screen shuts off* ME: Ugh... FANFIC SIGN...

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