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Live Blogs Ryochi watches The Legend Of Korra Book 4
RyochiMayeabara2014-11-04 19:01:52

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Responding to criticism and my opinions on each season of The Legend of Korra....

I'm sorry for not uploading my opinion for episode 5 of the Legend of Korra series. But I don't think people got the memo for basic reviewing and I'm tired of having to repeat myself. So here we go.

1. All of this is my opinion. Deal with it.

- It's unbelieveable how many people do not get this basic fact. If I want to share how I feel about a series. Then I shouldn't have to pander to the fans by trying to lessen how I felt about the flaws in the episode. That gets in the way of sharing my thoughts. Plus, you guys can think for yourself right? Then you have the right to disregard my opinion and share what you think on the comment system and the P Ming system (don't know why there but ok?), or you can just simply disregard my opinion.

But STOP telling me to disregard what I think are glaring issues and STOP telling me to stop sharing my thoughts. I'm entitled to my opinion but so are you. Deal with it.

2. There's a difference between telling people to stop nitpicking and basically tell them to stop pointing out flaws.

- I admit that my previous reviews had nitpicks on them. But I did get the basic message across (at least I felt I did). I am working on my "nitpicks" but come on guys, there is a difference between telling people to stop nitpicking and basically telling them to stop pointing out glaring issues. Notice that I have only pointed out like three to four flaws for the episodes in Season 4 (my review for the first episode counts too) and apparently those flaws I posted are "nitpicks". First of all, when a Just for Fun indiciation is put next to it, it has ZERO impact on what I think of the episode. It's just something I wanted to point out as, well, a joke.

And when I put a Personal Con (something that bothers me in particular but doesn't bring down the episode for me) ("personal nitpicks" as some of these elitists call them. They will be changed to minor since people don't know how to read.) it has VERY little impact on what I think. So saying that I am nitpicking for putting ONE Personal Con, is just plain ridiculous. Plus, I already said that some of these episodes were well written and some of my favorite episodes in the series so you're basically asking me to say that these episodes are perfect. (if that's your opinion. then FINE. But I'm entitled to mine and this is my liveblog so I think that they are clearly not.)

Now that that's out of the way. The new things that I will be doing with this liveblog and what I wish people would do.

3: If you have a problem with my liveblog and I don't reply to you by the time the next installment is uploaded, then I either forgot (possible but not likely), don't have time to(likely) ......or most likely I decided you were a waste of my time.

- I'm sorry but I'm tired of repeating myself to the same people who want to overlook flaws that I find with the episode and pass them off as "nitpicks". I will reply to everyone with a positive reaction, but I will selectively choose who I reply to with a negative reaction. If you have an argument that was either replied to numerous times, is just degrading, or plain stupid I just won't reply (usually). If your argument makes sense and isn't just plain degrading then I will gladly reply in a respectful manner unlike most of the LOK fanboys.

4: Unless I do something that is offensive, degrading, or just godawful, do not tell people to disregard my opinion.

- People have minds. Let them decide for themselves. That is all. If people do actually do that. Then no worries. I'll just PM them. If I have to go that far then that means that you guys simply have no respect for other people's opinions.

5: Personal Cons will be changed to MINOR flaws

- Why? Because people cannot read and they constantly get the wrong idea when I stated numerous times that they have VERY LITTLE IMPACT on what I think about the show.

And no, I am not looking for every little thing to make me dislike the show. I'm just trying to add in ALL of my thoughts (while having a bit of fun along the way).

Again, I'm sorry that this isn't an episode review. But I am sick and tired of replying to the same complaints and the same criticisms when they either make no sense or were explained numerous times before. So hopefully, this post will go into people's heads and they will be more considerate with their criticisms of each episode and also not expect me to say that all of them are LEL PERFECT! 10/10 IGN!

I like the show just as much as you guys do (really I do. A lot better than the crap airing on Nick these days.), but if I see glaring flaws, I will point out glaring flaws (and you guys really shouldn't be complaining since I liked the episodes

So, now that I got that out of the way.....and after seeing episode 5 (I watched it, I just don't have time to post my thoughts on it as of now) I will now add in how I feel about each season of The Legend of Korra.....cause I can. These are not reviews. I'm just sharing what I think about each season.

Book 1

- Like I said before. WASTED POTENTIAL. This season doesn't explore the benders vs nonbenders conflict enough, Amon took such a nosedive towards the end, the love triangles were agonizingly bad, and the Deus Ex Machina at the end was....ugh.

But don't get me wrong. I thought this season was a great follow up to The Last Airbender (not the godawful movie).

First off, the nonbenders vs benders conflict was a great follow up from the original because there were shades of this throughout the original series. Plus, Korra being the exact opposite of Aang was a brilliant choice and Republic City is a great setting and it was cool to see how the society of that place works with elements of the original series brought in.

I can't really say much else for Season 1 (I would have to rewatch it), but overall. Good start, good followup, but ultimately....wasted potential.

Book 2:

Ugh. The Love Triangle is back. And so is the Deus Ex Machina. Sigh.

Let's start with the good. Beginnings 1 and 2 is one of the best two parters in the entire series and beautifully ties the motivations of Korra and Unalaq together while sharing the lore of the Avatar and how the Avatar spirit came to be. I also liked the idea of Wan being wrong about locking the spirits away which shows how there is no clear cut way of making things better and that this universe is still trying to "find its footing"

I also thought that Tenzin's character arc for this season is brilliant and well written compared to some of the other garbage in this season.....

Flaws, where to start.....The Love Triangle is back and its as bad as ever (thank god its gone). The Deus Ex Machinas (there were 2 this season) were just...ugh. One just defeats the purpose of a message Tenzin was saying to Korra and the other just plain comes out of nowhere and is unexplained.

The Bolin and Desna/Eska (whoever she is) relationship was just unneeded in my opinion. And the way he suddenly started liking her made no sense to me and came out of nowhere.

Overall, had good moments and ideas. But the poor execution just really brings it down. I would say its worse than Book be honest.

Book 3:

Massive improvement!

Ok let's get the main flaws out of the way.

Love at first sight between Jinora and Kai. Unneeded honestly and could have been executed better.

Bad foreshadowing. You'd think that they would foreshadow the "harmonic convergence gives you airbending" thing instead of bringing it up out of nowhere. But they don't. Same thing with Unalaq being a part of the Red Lotus.

Lin's backstory while good....doesn't really flesh out why she did the things she did in the past two series. To's just a backstory that only fleshes her out for THAT episode.

Now for the good parts!

Zaheer is WAAY better than Amon and more fleshed out too.

The ending was a smart and brilliant way to end the season. Plus it ties into the next season without adding in a Deus Ex Machina to fix it all. (the events leading up to it was great too)

Korra as a character is great in the ending for the season.

The Earth Kingdom conflict was pretty interesting honestly (especially if you watched the original series). I especially liked how they tied this into Season 4.

"Original Airbenders" is my favorite episode since it fleshes out Tenzin as a character and his family as well. They also get a bit of Character Development as they start to accept the gifts that were given to them and learn to help people.

Plus, the comedy was actually funny in that episode.

Overall: It has its flaws, oh I'm sorry GLARING FLAWS. But, its way better than Books 1 and 2 for improving on characterization, character development, and having some really smart writing decisions.

Book 4:

Completely trumps all of the other seasons that came before.

Where to start on what this season gets right?

Screw it, read the liveblog.

Overall: Smart writing, brilliant characterization, great twists (yes there are some really great twists in this season), and the themes brought up about moving on from your previous tragedies is a brilliant thing to bring up.

And yeah, that's all I wanted to say today........

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