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Live Blogs Nothing is Sacred Anymore! Let's MST A Fanfic: LOVE, BULLETS AND IMMORTALITY
sanityisoverrated2011-05-03 05:53:44

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Introduction: The Only Sane Part of this Blog

I used to believe there was a God, once. Yes, one time I believed in all the things that Evangelists like to shove down everyone's throats, except not nearly as extremely. It all changed when I discovered Now, I know the truth.

Because no God would allow the abominations known as fan-fiction. For every good one, another 20 horrific ones exist. A good place to start with my undoubtedly won-ton amounts of fanfic MS Tings would be what I call the 'Conor the Gary-Stu' Saga, a series of Sonic the Hedgehog fanfics by one Conor T. Hedgehog, based on the writer's fan-character of the same name. He has crafted FOUR stories so far, with the fourth still being made.

So, what is so wrong with this author's fanfics? Well...

'Blaze moved quickly pointing the gun at Conors head he didn't move or flinch Amys arm trembled and she let go of the gun. Blaze held the gun but stopped and gave it to him .Conor smiled took the guns back and twirled one on his finger spinning and flicking it (Like Ocelot from MGS3) he pointed it at his head and shouted BANG! He pulled the trigger and the gun fired killing himself he fell over Blaze stared on in disbelief and Amy covered her eyes. All of a sudden he winced then his head moved he jumped up and the bullet fell out of the hole in which he was shot he cracked his neck and said "Now wasn't that fun"'

If you can read that AND understand it without re-reading once, I salute you. Also, one of the few times he uses quotation marks in the entire story, and possibly the sequels (oh yes, when I get to them, I will be commenting on them whilst reading them for the first time. Lord, help me).

Oh, and, you may read the story alongside me: Click at your own risk.

Comments Since: Dec, 1969
Oct 16th 2011 at 4:56:46 AM
Just so all of you n00bs who can't figure out the bleedingly obvious (making you less smart than Omochao) know, the reason why Eggman survived being shot in the stomach several times is not because he is some invincible-superforce, it's because he's a FREAKIN' LARDBALL! Seriously, “he” must be half The Blob! Nope, scratch that, he must BE The Blob! You could ram an elephant into that “man” and he wouldn't feel a thing! This doctor needs to have a check-up! What have you been eating again, Eggy? Eggs! And lots of 'em! Here's an acurate timetable for Eggman's day:

10:00 Wake up after many eggy dreams! 10:01 Figure out how to move my incredible mass off my bed. ò~ô 12:00 Finally! My egg-shaped-ness comes in handy! I can ROLL out of my bed -before it collapses under my- oh, too late... 12:30 I managed to go through 124 robots before I found one who could lift me up off the ground! Success! 12:45 Eat a very late breakfast, consisting of: Eggs, eggs on eggy toast, with egg sauce and a side of eggs and egg-dipped soldiers, fifty times over. A very healthy special, if I do say so myself! 1:45 Brunch! (Eggs, eggs, eggs, more eggs, Omochao, eggs, chao eggs, ostrich eggs, egg sauce) 2:30 Lunch! It's almost the same as brunch, but Omochao got so annoying (he was constantly telling me about the fact that the eggs are shaped like eggs- my bleedingly obvious torture has backfired on me) that I had to let him go (more or less force him away from me), and so Omochao won't be on the menu now. Yay, egginess! 3:20 Excersize! For my jaw that is! I get to chew on old yolk! 3:50 Plotting! My favorite part of the day! Sonic, Tails, Red-Guy-With-Green-Rock-Obsession, Amy, Shadow, and anyone else of animal apperance who is foolish enough to try to block my weight will suffer the wrath of my newest Egg-Named-Giant-Robot! Mwuhahah! 6:00 Dinner! EEEVVVIIILLL...!! dinner! In otherwords, 3.5 hours worth of stuffing my face with eggs! 9:30 Bedtime (couchtime until the bed is fixed)! Since: Dec, 1969
Oct 16th 2011 at 5:02:07 AM
↑That is my time-table. The couch collapses too, don't worry. Feel free to edit/take my Eggman's Timetable, as long as you e-mail me the link and credit Flash Strike for making it. My E-mail: