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Context YMMV / TheDreamer

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1* AlternateCharacterInterpretation: On this [[ page]], Alexander recalls "dancing" fondly, and since dancing with a man outside your family more than once was a social taboo, one wonders what he meant by the word.
2* CrackPairing: You would be surprised how many people ship Alex/Bea.
3%%* DryDocking: Lora Innes probably hasn't given Nathan Hale a love interest precisely because of this.
4%%* DryDockedShip: Alex/Bea, if some of the hints are correct.
5%%* EnsembleDarkhorse: Alexander Hamilton, obviously. Also, Nathan Hale.
6%%** Don't forget Freddy and John.
7* EstrogenBrigade: Practically every single male character is this. Nathan has a very large fanbase concerning this trope. [[TruthInTelevision He had a good following in life, too.]] It was said that "all the girls in New Haven fell in love with him." His lady admirers were equal to, if not surpassing, the fawning females who fill the fanbase.
8* {{HoYay}}: Alan/Nathan. Especially when they fought. And don't tell me you can't see Knowlton/Alan or even Alan/Hamilton!
9* JustHereForGodzilla: Some of the fans read it just for Nathan Hale and Alexander Hamilton.
10* PortmanteauCoupleName:
11** Balan or Bealan (Alan/Bea)
12** Whato or Bean (Ben/Bea)
13** Bale, Bathan, Whale, Beat (Nathan/Bea)
14** Whamilton, Balex, Bealex, Bamilton, Bealexander Whamilton (Alex/Bea)
15** Frea, Beaddy (Freddy/Bea)
16** Byvette, Bowe, Whowe (Bea/Yvette)
17** Biz, Beabeth (Bea/Liz)
18** Bohn, Jea, Dreamcest (John/Bea)
19** Jizz, Lohn (John/Liz)
20** Jen, Jato, Mulliben (John/Ben)
21** Fizz, Fizzy (Freddy/Liz)
22** Bizzy, Benz, Waco (Ben/Liz)
