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Context YMMV / NoSpanishCivilWarIn1936

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1* HilariousInHindsight: Spain winning UsefulNotes/TheWorldCup in 1938 because the country wasn't actively trying to murder itself in a civil war, which the author jokingly notes puts the entire work into AlienSpaceBats territory since the RealLife Spanish national team hadn't won the tournament even at the time of writing in 2008 -- two years later, Spain won their first World Cup.
2* NightmareFuel: Millán Astray is this to Chiquito de la Calzada.
3** The Puerto Hurraco Massacre, the hinted liberal use of the garrote vil. [[spoiler: Hitler's]] ultimate fate. A visit to Reinhard Heydrich's office.
4** The treatment of the Basque country as Spain is liberated.
