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Context Tropers / Paradisedj32

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1'''''WARNING!''''' Perty much everything below the line is almost a decade out of date. Some of it still applies. Others are relics of a cringier time. Perhaps I will update it some time.
3Nowadays I go by some variant of "General Urist" on other sites. (Yes that is a dwarf fortress reference.)
5Also, [[TroperWall/Paradisedj32 I have a wall now.]]
9All you need to know about me that i am willing to reveal online is the following:
11* I speak english and czech
12* I am an atheist
13* I am lawful neutral
14* I am tolerant and hate racism
15* I am scientificly minded
16* I am a nerd and play {{minecraft}} and {{civilization}} IV often. ''very often''.
17* My drawing is ''very'' bad, especialy living things.
18* I have a somewhat socialist mindset
19* Calling the Czech republic "germanic" is a very good way to piss me off.
20* I am somewhat pessimistic
21* I am {{the stoic}}
22* I suck at gym class
23* Any avatar I use is meant to troll the "above avatar" threads somehow
24* -
25* I am a xenocidal, pantheocidal maniac who believes that humans are ''SUPERIOR''
26* My {{catch phrase}} is the following: "DEATH TO THE YOUKAI! LONG LIVE HUMANITY!"
28I try to not be too secretive, but I cannot reveal much about my plans to exterminate the nonhumans and gods without compromising the whole operataion. What I can say, however, is that the first step in the operation is to storm the [[TouHou scarlet devil mansion]] and gain acces to the [[LibraryOfBabel library]].
30My old signature was a short version. the full quote is as follows: 'Assuming the system achieves superintelligence and nanotechnology by breakfast, we will be liberating Hell and arresting Satan in the morning as a warmup. We expect to be storming the gates of Heaven by noon, and tactical projections suggest we should be able to overthrow the dictator 'God', install a functional celestial democracy and be back home in time for tea. God, Satan and assorted celestial beings will be charged with dereliction of duty and inflicting gigadeath and hypersuffering, and the war crimes trials will begin as soon as we've finnished partying. We hope you will join our coalition of the willing and help us bring freedom and prosperity to the cosmos.'
32** tropes I have applied to myself:
33* {{the stoic}}
34* {{Rage against the heavens}}
35* {{otaku}}
36* {{lawful neutral}}
37* {{the smart guy}}
39** tropes other people have spplied to me ''(go ahead, add some))''
40* AxCrazy --@/{{Belfagor}}
41* EldritchAbomination - Every troper page has to have this trope. EVERY. @/{{mellochan42}}
42* SomethingCompletelyDifferent - not shaken by trends or power temptation, your av gallery is refreshing change of flow... @/{{Tenzen12}}
43* BerserkButton - It would appear that calling the Czech Republic "germanic" would be one. @/{{Frosplosion}}
44* {{Troll}}: With avatars, at least. ~@/{{thiefoftime}}
45* {{Bilingual bonus}}, english and czech. ~@/{{Rockonman}}
46* TheCynic: It isn't wrong to think like that. -@/{{VoidsEmpathy}}
47** WMG section. the person known as paradisedj32 is rather conservative about the details he reveals about himself, and others have built up interesting theories. ''place your theory here''
48* WildCard: What will your next avatar be, no one knows. -{{Eternal noob}}
49* TheStoic: "-" ~@/{{Rockonman}}
51* '''the signature archives'''
52* this is where I keep my old signatures.
541.God, Satan, etc. will be charged with inflicting gigadeath and hypersuffering. the war crime trials will begin when we finish partying.
