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Context Tropers / GosuroriOtaku

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1GosuroriOtaku is an eighteen-year-old English girl. (No, not a {{Quintessential British Gentleman}}, a normal Brit.) She likes [[BishonenJumpSyndrome shonen manga]], horror films and puzzle/RPG video games. Anything by {{Terry Pratchett}} is considered a work of genius. She's also a Christian- but the chilled out kind- [[{{thefundamentalist}} fundamentalist Christians]] are very not appreciated by her. Especially the stuff about gay people being evil and other religions being satanism in disguise. [[{{understatement}} Very not appreciated.]] What else is there? Um. She likes {{Britcoms}} and {{Black Comedy}}. A lot. Especially when it comes to {{Monty python}},{{The Inbetweeners}} and {{Mock the Week}}.
2Is also a massive {{fangirl}} of {{Doctor Who}}.
5!!Tropes that apply to me:
7* {{Accidental Innuendo}} -I should think before talking.
8* {{A Spot Of Tea}} -PG Tips... Just a splash of milk in a simple brew is heaven. But in a mug. Aaaahhhh...
9** Chai tea is nice, too. But Typhoo brand black tea is just pure evil in a mug.
10* {{Blue Eyes}} -What people think I have.
11* {{Completely Missing the Point}} -All the time...
12* {{Dark is not Evil}}
13* {{Deadpan Snarker}} -In fact, it's so bad that people think I'm being sarcastic when I'm seriously saying something.
14* {{Elegant Gothic Lolita}} -Well, I try.
15* {{Grammar Nazi}} - I'm sorry. I'm very, very sorry.
16* {{Grey Eyes}} -What I actually have.
17* {{Pale skinned brunette}}
18* {{Nerd}} - I embody that trope- albeit in a very British way, which basically means I have a social life. Unfortunately, many people I know think it means I'm a computer geek, which is very hard to explain.
19* {{Never Say That Again}} -I tend to either drive people to this or get driven to it for about a week myself. Yeah, I don't get how that works either.
20* {{Sophisticated as Hell}} -Or at least that's what I get told to stop being.
21* {{Un Entendre}} -Half the things I say. It's kind of depressing how dirty-minded my friends are (and might be making me).
23!!Things I am a fan of:
24* {{Assassins Creed}}
25* {{Batman}}
26* {{Bleach}}
27* [[{{ptitlej8ixspaskltm}} D.Gray-Man]]
28* {{Doctor Who}}
29* {{DotHack}}
30* {{Green Lantern}}
31* {{Heroes}}
32* [[{{HotelDuskRoom215}} Kyle]] [[{{LastWindow}} Hyde]]
33* {{Infamous}}
34* {{Mock the week}}
35* {{Prototype}}
