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Context Tropers / GandAandR

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1Short for "Galvin Allan Roderickson", most usually. Chosen, as many a steampunk pseudonym is, via being an obtuse pun. (G.A.R. can work just as well; the "and"s also refer to something I haven't been able to include anywhere yet, for what it's worth)
3I am fascinated by subcultures and meta-genres, and as such have joined the Omniversal Meta-textual Society (Sorry, I mean TV Tropes) to find out about and understand them. However, I'd much rather throw dinner parties and meet those different sorts of people face-to-face. Fandoms, while being full of cultured, intelligent people, are still seen as being full of bickering nerds and pretentious griefers when they really cold see eye-to-eye.
